Brexit thread [Poll added]

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If we had another vote which way would you now vote?

  • I voted remain i would now vote leave

  • I voted leave i would now vote Remain

  • I voted remain and would again

  • I voted leave and would again

Results are only viewable after voting.


Sep 15, 2022
Reaction score
Northern Ireland

SNP have, as have Plaid and The Greens. It's very much a part of the conversation of the general election whether or not you, or Labour and The Tories (and Reform for that matter) want to talk about it.
It was literally in the the Reform contract, they mentioned that 'brexit was betrayed.'
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I also dont want this thread to turn into another Brexit debate
Sadly, Brexit is still the biggest political factor for this country, so is intimately tied to both politics and every election for the next generation
Non of the parties as far as i know has said they want to take us back in so can we leave it there and move on, thanks.
Lib Dems I think have said they want us to rejoin the common market and SNP has said independence will pave a path back to the EU.

But maybe as AA says we should let sleeping dogs lie and not inquire after child abusers
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This thread will not turn into another Brexit debate the main parties are not talking about it and as far as i know it has has not been mentioned in the news or in the papers if you want to talk about Brexit again open a thread!
So are we only allowed to talk about what the main parties are talking about in this thread?

What if I agree with a green party policy? Am I not allowed to discuss it because they're not a main party?
I also dont want this thread to turn into another Brexit debate we have ahead a few and they always ended up in a flame war and either closed or removed altogether.

Non of the parties as far as i know has said they want to take us back in so can we leave it there and move on, thanks.
Well I am sure Labour have talked about renegotiating certain parts of the agreement
I also dont want this thread to turn into another Brexit debate we have ahead a few and they always ended up in a flame war and either closed or removed altogether.

Non of the parties as far as i know has said they want to take us back in so can we leave it there and move on, thanks.
And within the last few weeks Sun, Telegraph Daily Express and others have had articles regarding Labour renegotiating with EU
They are totally different subjects. Brexit has had nothing to do with the state of the Conservative party of the rise of Reform
I would argue Brexit has 100% to do with the fact that Reform even exists.
They're Phoenixed from UKIP and the Brexit party.

Without Brexit, this party wouldn't exist. Farage would have disappeared back into his multi-millionaire mansion.
I would argue Brexit has 100% to do with the fact that Reform even exists.
They're Phoenixed from UKIP and the Brexit party.

Without Brexit, this party wouldn't exist. Farage would have disappeared back into his multi-millionaire mansion.
Sorry , I was been sarcastic in the post you quoted.
Totally agree with your post
But maybe as AA says we should let sleeping dogs lie and not inquire after child abusers
That was an analogy, I wasn't suggesting we should let either of these sleeping dogs lie.
But, peace, brothers and sisters. An evil has been done and it can't be easily undone. That doesn't mean that now, at the time of a general election is not the time to talk about it. @Chippy_Tea has rightly pointed out that neither the Cons or Labour are talking about it, but it is the elephant in the room. ALL the other parties are talking about it and it needs talking about there as it does here.
I can almost forgive the Cons for being too embarrassed and entrenched to have anything to say, but for Starmer ( I won't include Labour here) it's just another example of the man's political and moral cowardice that he won't talk about it.
This is the Lib Dems position:

We will:
•Fix the UK’s broken relationship with Europe, forge a new partnership
built on cooperation, not confrontation, and move to conclude a new
comprehensive agreement which removes as many barriers to trade
as possible.
In addition we will:
•Fix the UK’s broken relationship with Europe by following our four-stage
• Taking initial unilateral steps to rebuild the relationship, starting by declaring a
fundamental change in the UK’s approach and improving channels for foreign
policy cooperation.
• Rebuilding confidence through seeking to agree partnerships or associations
with EU agencies and programmes such as the European Aviation Safety
Agency, Erasmus Plus, scientific programmes, climate and environment
initiatives, and cooperation on defence, security and crime.
• Deepening the trading relationship with critical steps for the British economy,
including negotiating comprehensive veterinary and plant health agreements
and mutual recognition agreements.
• Finally, once ties of trust and friendship have been renewed, and the damage
the Conservatives have caused to trade between the UK and EU has begun to
be repaired, we would aim to place the UK-EU relationship on a more formal
and stable footing by seeking to join the Single Market.
All these measures will help to restore the British economy and the prosperity
and opportunities of its citizens, and are also essential steps on the road to EU
membership, which remains our longer-term objective.

You may not agree with the Lib Dems or their policies, but their manifesto, at least, is a model of clarity.
That was an analogy, I wasn't suggesting we should let either of these sleeping dogs lie.
But, peace, brothers and sisters. An evil has been done and it can't be easily undone. That doesn't mean that now, at the time of a general election is not the time to talk about it. @Chippy_Tea has rightly pointed out that neither the Cons or Labour are talking about it, but it is the elephant in the room. ALL the other parties are talking about it and it needs talking about there as it does here.
I can almost forgive the Cons for being too embarrassed and entrenched to have anything to say, but for Starmer ( I won't include Labour here) it's just another example of the man's political and moral cowardice that he won't talk about it.
This is the Lib Dems position:

We will:
•Fix the UK’s broken relationship with Europe, forge a new partnership
built on cooperation, not confrontation, and move to conclude a new
comprehensive agreement which removes as many barriers to trade
as possible.
In addition we will:
•Fix the UK’s broken relationship with Europe by following our four-stage
• Taking initial unilateral steps to rebuild the relationship, starting by declaring a
fundamental change in the UK’s approach and improving channels for foreign
policy cooperation.
• Rebuilding confidence through seeking to agree partnerships or associations
with EU agencies and programmes such as the European Aviation Safety
Agency, Erasmus Plus, scientific programmes, climate and environment
initiatives, and cooperation on defence, security and crime.
• Deepening the trading relationship with critical steps for the British economy,
including negotiating comprehensive veterinary and plant health agreements
and mutual recognition agreements.
• Finally, once ties of trust and friendship have been renewed, and the damage
the Conservatives have caused to trade between the UK and EU has begun to
be repaired, we would aim to place the UK-EU relationship on a more formal
and stable footing by seeking to join the Single Market.
All these measures will help to restore the British economy and the prosperity
and opportunities of its citizens, and are also essential steps on the road to EU
membership, which remains our longer-term objective.

You may not agree with the Lib Dems or their policies, but their manifesto, at least, is a model of clarity.
I suppose Starmer is concerned about winning the red wall back.
But I agree, Labour's silence on this topic is disappointing, to say the least.
Yes. I know. It was more apparent when my post was on the previous thread and mentioning ****** was banned. I don't think we should just "move on and get over it" either
I suppose Brexit was so divisive it took on all the qualities of a civil war (minus the gun shoots).
But I agree, Brexit is literally the elephant in the room in British politics since the referendum.
Ignoring it is quite bizarre
I suppose Starmer is concerned about winning the red wall back.
But I agree, Labour's silence on this topic is disappointing, to say the least.
B***** has become so toxic in politics that they don't want to mention it because there will be a lot of backlash. Only the parties who have had a strong stance in it (ie all of them apart from team blue/red) from the start can afford to mention it without half their voters being outraged that they are "ignoring the will of [27% of] the people"

He had a strong stance before he took over the mantle of "we just respect the outcome [of an incredibly vague and close non-binding referendum]". So he needs to remain "neutral" to the result lest he get attacked from the right as a traitor.

Hopefully once the election is over he'll begin to go "look, it was a catastrophe - we tried but let's start to fix the country"
I hope so @Agentgonzo , but that's a double-edged sword. What else might come out after the election!
I'd rather politicians were straight so that we could know where we stand with them.
They're all terrified to mention it. Absolute cowards, the lot of them. Tories don't want to talk about it because they know it's been a monumental disaster. Labour don't want to talk about it because they just need to vanilla their way to no.10, and the Lib Dems who believe strongly in rejoining have shat their pants, because they're in a good position to pick up a lot seats.

If any of them genuinely had any interest in improving the fortunes of our country, they would at least have the b*blocks to talk about it.
Brexit what's that o yeah it was 8 years ago, no wonder the country is stood still,
Problem is, we still haven't got Brexit done.

Oh and list of things that are positive....

1. Blue Passports
2. Crown on pint pots.

Sadly, I probably need to point out that we could have done either of these whilst we were in the EU.

But hey, immigration has stopped.


Previously, we needed temporary 47,000 fruit pickers. Those would normally come from Spain or Portugal.
Now, we import them from Indonesia, Malaysia and Africa. Because weirdly, they get preferential treatment now.

I wonder how many return after their temporary visas run out?

47,000 you say? Isn't that more than the number of folk who rocked up in Plastic boats?

Rabble, rabble, rabble!

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