Brexit thread [Poll added]

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If we had another vote which way would you now vote?

  • I voted remain i would now vote leave

  • I voted leave i would now vote Remain

  • I voted remain and would again

  • I voted leave and would again

Results are only viewable after voting.
If we could go back would you still vote leave knowing what you know now?

This question was aimed at all members not just DoJ.

I have added a poll to the thread lets see how members views on Brexit have changed over the years.
I have added a poll to the thread lets see how members views on Brexit have changed over the years.
Why not vote for Welsh independence? That removes a rather large, wasteful later of government? Surely the goal is closer and closer accountability?
no way. it's not on the table anyway. I think there is a golidlocks sized grouping of people to form a decent country. our rock seems to be the right size imo. like usa too big heck their states are bigger than some countries. local services at the county level . national services at the country level
no way. it's not on the table anyway. I think there is a golidlocks sized grouping of people to form a decent country. our rock seems to be the right size imo. like usa too big heck their states are bigger than some countries. local services at the county level . national services at the country level

Tell that to the dozens of countries with a fraction of the population of the UK that seem to do just fine.
Tell that to the dozens of countries with a fraction of the population of the UK that seem to do just fine.
well @Brew_DD2 That's their business, not mine. what the uk has done badly is to denude its manufacturing capability. If the scottish want to leave the act of the union that's between Scotland and England. For that matter and how you feel about Scottish independence you live in Scotland and are better positioned to take a position on this. Yes i'd prefer us to remain together but you are living in scotland. I view myself as British, born in wales(so welsh) to parents from England who moved to wales. I happen to like England and as for Scotland you have pretty stunning scenery and lovely people. In many aspects I prefer scotland to wales. (apart from the licensing laws) My hope is we can remain together but it's not up to me.
If we could go back would you still vote leave knowing what you know now?
oooh you cheeky monkey. 🤣

The cunning hypothetical question with the benefit of hindsight.....
I'm celebrating handing in my notice and am ready for re-retirement.
I have a really big answer in my head that wouldn't fit yes or no and giving a binary answer might offend non-binaries.

If you didn't have trust in those who give the populous a chance to their say about the eu, how could you trust them in implementing the outcome? 😵‍💫The status quo is easier than change. If you did have trust in them, has an opportunity been lost?
If you didn't have trust in those who give the populous a chance to their say about the eu, how could you trust them in implementing the outcome? 😵‍💫

The benefit of the aforementioned hindsight is we now know we were lied to!

The old joke which goes the only time you know a politician isn't telling lies is when their lips aren't moving fits here.
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well @Brew_DD2 That's their business, not mine. what the uk has done badly is to denude its manufacturing capability. If the scottish want to leave the act of the union that's between Scotland and England. For that matter and how you feel about Scottish independence you live in Scotland and are better positioned to take a position on this. Yes i'd prefer us to remain together but you are living in scotland. I view myself as British, born in wales(so welsh) to parents from England who moved to wales. I happen to like England and as for Scotland you have pretty stunning scenery and lovely people. In many aspects I prefer scotland to wales. (apart from the licensing laws) My hope is we can remain together but it's not up to me.

I consider myself British from a broadly cultural point of view. I have family all over these isles and am not rabidly anti-English. It's nigh on impossible to separate the common history, and thankfully Scottish independence doesn't seek to erase it, but create a new relationship where our governance is separate. I think it's perfectly legitimate for a country to want to govern itself, and I include England in this.

Anyway, I apologise, I've gone of topic from the OP.
"I have added a poll to the thread lets see how members views on Brexit have changed over the years."

Mmmm, looked at the result. Where did all the Brexitteers go. At the time I remember being in the minority in this forum being a "Pinko liberal Remainer. Just saying.
I guess some people don't like to admit they were wrong even when the op clearly says we now know for sure we were lied to.
I consider myself British from a broadly cultural point of view. I have family all over these isles and am not rabidly anti-English. It's nigh on impossible to separate the common history, and thankfully Scottish independence doesn't seek to erase it, but create a new relationship where our governance is separate. I think it's perfectly legitimate for a country to want to govern itself, and I include England in this.

Anyway, I apologise, I've gone of topic from the OP.
well @Brew_DD2 That's their business, not mine. what the uk has done badly is to denude its manufacturing capability. If the scottish want to leave the act of the union that's between Scotland and England. For that matter and how you feel about Scottish independence you live in Scotland and are better positioned to take a position on this. Yes i'd prefer us to remain together but you are living in scotland. I view myself as British, born in wales(so welsh) to parents from England who moved to wales. I happen to like England and as for Scotland you have pretty stunning scenery and lovely people. In many aspects I prefer scotland to wales. (apart from the licensing laws) My hope is we can remain together but it's not up to me.

Well I am Scottish but work with English and Welsh counterparts and work some of my time in Bristol, I am not Xenophobic in any shape or form.

i agree the UK has destroyed it manufacturing base completely and become reliant on imports, that's a UK indeed worldwide issue tbh.

I no longer believe in Westminster politics and whilst not everything is perfect in the Scottish Parliament, like any institution it has its faults, for me at least the benefits outweigh the negatives and as we move into the green energy I can see a bright future for Scotland if it allowed to keep a hold of it own resources and not have a power grab like the north sea oil and gas all over again.

Back to topic Brexit, Scotland has felt the effect in many areas mostly when EU subsidies were supposedly replaced by levelling up anyone remember that? Sunak seems to have forgotten it.

As it was well reported at the time Scotland did not vote to leave, bit got outnumbered by the rest of the UK, for me things like this show why Scotland needs to be represented on its own.

Northern Ireland was able to achieve a far better settlement than the rest of the UK , only because international pressure was applied correctly to ensure the Good Friday Agreement was not eroded, for me this showed the UK Government could have got a better deal if they really wanted, but instead the Brexiteer's wanted to cut all ties the EU and do there own thing regardless of the implications, yes we can make out own rules now, but frankly should we when they try to overrule the courts and take us out of the ECHR !

Yet to see any benefit from Brexit and we are still uncovering the many mistakes and issues it causes, yet the 2 main Westminster parties refuse to even discuss Brexit, very much a case of its done get on with it rather than accept it has been a failure no matter what way you try to spin it.

The analogy I give if you make a major purchase ie car and it does not meet the manufactures specifications there is means of comeback - look at the emissions scandals for diesels for example, or if the vehicle breaks down or has constant issues that mean it does not fill its purpose, you can under law reject it as not fit for purpose.

Yet with such a huge decision like Brexit, there no means of comeback you make your choice no matter if it does not do as said, no matter if it is not fit for purpose you have to grin and bear and be told by elected officials who do not represent your area that you have no right to complain it was democratic no matter how many lies were told.
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I can't see the point of being in the EU, paying 250 million GBP a week, while running a trade deficit. So export of goods has declined while services are going through the roof. Starmer or whoever might displace him has got to get technology moving and start and cosey up to China, especially now that the EU has upset them with the tariffs
Wasn't it 400 mils per week, as written on the battle bus? What happened to that? Supposed to have gone to the NHS???

I believe soy sauce is now cheaper, due to a mega deal with Japan (rolling over EU agreement).

Of course I'm biased, pity the best deal the UK ever had was ditched. Sorry it went that way. Our Ex MP (one of the Brexit chief engineers) even gave an (some sort of half hearted) apology. The rest seem to have moved on, plotting the take-over of the Tory party (again).

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