Brexit and grains/hops from Ireland?

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The Baron

Staff member
Oct 13, 2013
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Has anybody thought of the possible impact if Brexit is finally done regards our favourite grain/hop suppliers like HBC and GeterBrewed etc, just a thought
It mainly depends on if our government decides to put tariffs on the products they sell. Delivery could also go up if theres more paperwork. As for ingredients that originate in the UK if there are tariffs these items would have a double impact or they would fine new sources.
Its making me think of putting a order in over the next couple of weeks just incase
GEB shouldn’t be impacted any more than the likes of Maltmiller because they are Northern Ireland, they might have issues delivering to the Republic.
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GEB shouldn’t be impacted any more than the likes of Maltmiller because they are Northern Ireland, they might have issues delivering to the Republic.

No chance Brexit is happening on 31 October anyway IMO

They may have issues getting their grain from the Republic though.

The thought of no German/Czech hops gives me the fear.
GEB shouldn’t be impacted any more than the likes of Maltmiller because they are Northern Ireland, they might have issues delivering to the Republic.

No chance Brexit is happening on 31 October anyway IMO

I sort of have never thought Brexit was happening. But I would remind everyone, once again, that the subject is kind of Taboo on this Forum.
The feelings run high and lead to comments that are not in keeping with the generally good natured discussions we get here.
No one really knows what will happen, logic tells me there are a lot of fat cats here and abroad and they don't like losing money, all things will pan out one way or the other, just a little thought to get your head round the EU is a government with no country how does that work, just keep on brewing and don't worry acheers.
I'm no trade buff, but my understanding is this. Under WTO, tariffs are €131 per tonne of pale malt (about £3 on a 25kg sack), and a bit more for roasted malts (crystal etc...). I'm sure it'll be a bit more than that for us, as the suppliers will buy in bulk and probably keep this same ROI. Plus, there will be costs for the extra paperwork. This increase in cost would apply to all malt from the EU, whether it's bought from a UK or EU supplier, so all the minch/hook head/weyermann/bestmalz will probably be 10-20% more expensive, but crisp will be the same, unless they put up their prices due to being in higher demand. I suspect that GEB will be more affected than the UK suppliers as they would buy in bulk within the single market but sell lots of smaller batches sent over the border, while the UK suppliers will do a small number of bulk purchases over the border and do lots of small sales within the UK. Hops won't be affected as much, around 4% more for EU hops, but no change for American ones.
I’m a big fan of the iREKs malt GEB do as well, it’ll not be as cheap after Brexit.
Have you got any opinions on the difference between ireks pilsner malt, crisp europils and weyermann bohemian pilsner? I have used the first 2 a lot but can't say I notice a difference (possibly would side by side) and I have weyermann ready to go for my next lager. From what I read ireks tastes the same but is cheaper.
I booked a holiday in centreparcs in kempervennen (netherlands) for 4th November when the previous leave date was March 31st. :(
So that worked out well - NOT :oops: - I will be sure our cars have a full tank of fuel on the run up to that date. I have forked out for an IDP and have a green card so I suppose I'm more ready than the UK government :laugh8:

However, not sure about duty free and whether i'm going to have an issue fetching 4 crates of 24 beers back from europe. As for homebrew it would be worth stocking up for the next 3 or 4 brews just in case we do actually go. Although there is the possibility prices could go down as well as up I suspect there might be some short term supply issues.
From a personal point I don't care' it's like petrol up and down, through the ages brewing has had it's ups and downs and there will always be a way to brew cheaper than the big boys, and make better beer and ale' like everyone I put petrol in my car because I need it I hate public transport with a passion also I would love a cleaner car but I fear ev is the wrong option, hydrogen is the way forward but it's all about profit, back to topic keep on brewing and enjoy the hobby and the fruits of your labour, they are all liars all you have to do is pick the one you trust most
Have you got any opinions on the difference between ireks pilsner malt, crisp europils and weyermann bohemian pilsner? I have used the first 2 a lot but can't say I notice a difference (possibly would side by side) and I have weyermann ready to go for my next lager. From what I read ireks tastes the same but is cheaper.
For some reason a get a lower efficiency when I use the Crisp Europils, I’m not sure why since I love their pale malt. I’ve never used the Weyermann one because it’s usually more expensive and I’m a tight ****!
Has anybody thought of the possible impact if Brexit is finally done regards our favourite grain/hop suppliers like HBC and GeterBrewed etc, just a thought
I've been worrying about this for some time as ordering even French and German malt in 25kg quantities is much cheaper through the UK. Luckily, HBC have an Irish, euro side as well as a UK, GBP side so we brewers on the mainland might be OK. In any case, I've got at least a year's supply of everything I need to give things time to settle down. I'd recommend that if you use German or Belgian malt from Weyermann or Beksrmalz et al, you do the same. Crisp is a good maltster, but their stuff isn't identical. Hook Head is good base malt, too.
This thread encouraged me to make an order last night, it’s also an unintentionally European order with 2 European brews!

Sorted ingredients for a wit, American Wheat, Vienna Lager, APA (although I need to order the hops separately later because GEB don’t do Falconers Flight) and yeast for a user upper brew.
I’m a big fan of the iREKs malt GEB do as well, it’ll not be as cheap after Brexit.
All Ireks malts have disappeared from the GEB site without explanation. I was putting an order in on Sunday night and had to choose Weyermann BoPils instead. Hope it's as good.
All Ireks malts have disappeared from the GEB site without explanation. I was putting an order in on Sunday night and had to choose Weyermann BoPils instead. Hope it's as good.
Yeah I discovered that last night too. I blame Brexit!
Thanks Lads and ladesses for staying away from the B word and keeping it on track. I think the HBC etc will have a good October as people may pre-empt the possible tariff hike on grains etc. I too think I will top up my store with Minch as I have always found it to give good efficiency

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