Brew Books - What's On Your Shelf??

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On my shelf, I have "Tasting Beer" by Randy Mosher and "The Complete Joy of Homebrewing" by Charlie Papazian. These books are invaluable.
so after a few mail drops my collection is building....

Home Brew Beer - Hughes
Historical Brewing Techniques - Garshol
IPA - Steele
The New IPA - Janish
Craft Brew - Ferguson
Mastering Homebrew - Mosher
Radical Brewing - Mosher
Complete Joy Of Homebrewing - Papazian
Designing Great Beers -Daniels
The Oxford Companion To Beers
Principals of Brewing Science, Brewing Science and Practice, Brewing Yeast and Fermentation, Dave Millers Homebrewing Guide, Brewing the Worlds Great beers, and Brew Like a Pro.
Some research


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