Beer will not clear

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Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
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I know I should have two presure barrels so one is conditioning while the other is in use/ But 6 to 8 weeks to clear is rediculas. Does the presure in the barrel slow this down? it is fermenting at 8PPI. Can I put more yeast in at the start? I have an old book from David Line's. In it he states that the brewery but lots in at the last minute before it is shipped out.

I do wine and I have a large gelatine plastic bag. And this works even if the wine does not really need it. Can I get something similar for the beer? Would it help?


No reason why you cannot use gelatin or isinglass in your beer (vegetarians excepted, of course).

40-odd years ago, my father was a pub landlord and he used to use isinglass for clearing troublesome ales. 12-24 hours to drop it bright - tops. Even then, there would be the odd pesky barrel which would not play ball. One or two egg whites, gently whisked into half a gallon of beer, then funneled back into the tub - that sorted it.

For a typical 5 gallon batch of beer, I would suggest half an egg white. Stir it in to a pint to disperse, then add back to bulk - you do not want to aerate it.
Thanks for that. Suppose if i let the pressure in the barrel out and use either / both of these methods and re-pressure it. It should be OK. My barrel is at about 17c / 18c which is causing the problem in the first place. If this method will force it to clear at these temperatures then I will do it.

Still working on the theory of taking the cooling equipment out of an old fridge and making a box container for the barrel.
otuatail said:
Still working on the theory of taking the cooling equipment out of an old fridge and making a box container for the barrel.

Go for it - definitely worth doing. Alternatively, why not think about going the whole hog, get some cornies and make a kegerator?
Ok Guys. I have to call time on this beer. Have got the temperature down but it is not making any attempt to clear. I think I need to let the presure out, open it up and try again withit. I have been told to use egg white. How much grams? we in england have small mediun and large egss. Don't want to end up with scambeled egg in my beer.


It's not an exact science.

Assuming it's a 4 or 5 gallon brew, I would use no more than half a medium egg white. Separate your white from the yolk, tip half the white away (or make yourself a yummy omelette with a couple more eggs, mushrooms, cheese and bacon), run off a pint of your problem beer, stir the egg white into it gently to disperse it then dump it back into your keg.

It should clear within 24-48 hours.
Thanks for that luckyeddie, and it dosn't cost much if you have lots of eggs.
evanvine says Pressure and temp nothing to do with clearing. If the temperature is 18c, I have been told it can prevent it. Will have a bash with the eg white. Prefer the yoke anyway.

Also, are you fermenting in your pressure barrel? You're best to get a proper Fermentation Vessel from your LHBS.

MUCH easier to clean and you won't have sediment in your pressure barrel :)
Does the beer taste good? Have you considered drinking it cloudy? I've had beers that haven't dropped fully clear for a couple of months in the bottle - usually when I've used US-05. Still tasted great, sometimes people worry too much about clarity.
Tony said:
Does the beer taste good? Have you considered drinking it cloudy? I've had beers that haven't dropped fully clear for a couple of months in the bottle - usually when I've used US-05. Still tasted great, sometimes people worry too much about clarity.

Very true indeed. If it's cloudy and tastes good, drink it out of a pewter tankard... :)

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