Batch Prime your Bottling

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Really interesting thread, excellent how to, just out of interest to peole generally fill tothe neck of above the neck. Also after priming do you tend to bottle immediately or leave 5 or 10 mins in the bottle before capping, to stop any exploding bottles?
I use my syphon tube with a tap and then another piece of tube that reaches from the tap to the bottom of my bottles. I fill my bottles to the brim then when i remove the tube i have enough ullage space then i just cap them without waiting :cheers:
Thanks for this, an excellent guide on bottling. I am hoping to do my first ever bottling this week (might be Christmas Day if the hydrometer remains constant!)

I am using a Young's brew buddy kit. I think a second bucket will be more consistent as I am using lots of bottles of different sizes!

Q - Should I add priming sugar to lager?

Kind regards,

Step 1 I prime all the bottles
Step 2 Jug the beer into them using a funnel
Step 3 Cap all the bottles.

bit of an arse ache but I dont like using a tube to syphon as its only me and I cant hold both ends at once and avoid overfilling the bottle and avoiding any trub at the bottom and clearing up any spilt beer.

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