bomberns127 said:and if you are gonna pour the beer back into the fermenter(as you should! lol)
bomberns127 said:dont forget when reading a hydrometer its not where the liquid bends on contact with the hydrometer, its a straight line from the top of the liquid to where that would intersect the hydrometer, using a clear glass pint bottle is normally the easiest way to read it, spin it a few times as well to get rid of any clinging bubbles and look along the top of the beer to get a better reading.
hope this helps
YeandAle said:OK, so I have bottled my brew and am now tasting my 1st pint! Its only been in the bottle 5 days (I couldnt wait) and it already has a good carbination and a good taste.
Disaster struck when bottling as I somehow knocked the tap on the bottling bucket and I couldnt turn it off. I didnt use a racking tube which proved to be a pain so all in all I lost about a gallon with 2 pints on the floor via the tap and the rest I left in the brew bucket as I didnt want to risk sucking up sediment.
Oh you live and learn.
At least I have a good stash of empty bottles ready for the next batch. ::whistle:
robbarwell said:YeandAle said:OK, so I have bottled my brew and am now tasting my 1st pint! Its only been in the bottle 5 days (I couldnt wait) and it already has a good carbination and a good taste.
Disaster struck when bottling as I somehow knocked the tap on the bottling bucket and I couldnt turn it off. I didnt use a racking tube which proved to be a pain so all in all I lost about a gallon with 2 pints on the floor via the tap and the rest I left in the brew bucket as I didnt want to risk sucking up sediment.
Oh you live and learn.
At least I have a good stash of empty bottles ready for the next batch. ::whistle:
Just bottled my Coopers Pale ale, ( 2nd brew ever), I did exactly what you did with my first brew. I think that the trick is to get organised and take your time, mistakes happen when you are being rushed, I primed each bottle in batches of 10 after filling them. This was enough to fill the draining board in the kitchen before moving them in curver boxes to the garage to condition.
I have now taken the plunge and the next brew is an all grain, I have spent weeks reading on the internet what to do, looked at you tube etc, I will have finished my gravity fed 3 tier micro, capable of 10 gallons a time by the weekend, hours with a drill building the hop strainer etc. Total cost £80 including the cutters for the holes in the stainless steel, its amazing what you can scrounge!. I just need more bottles or a few pressure barrels.
What are you planning for your next brew, I can recommend the Coopers kits
bomberns127 said:£80 QUID! you gotta put your setup on the forum with a list of bits and pictures, i have thought about A G for a while, for that price its worth doing as soon as poss even if you scrounged most of the bits it would be interesting to have a breakdown, i also have read online for a while and to look at different A G setups might give me the final push into setting it up, good luck with you r first brew and post how you get on.
BigYin said:Back on Topic![]()
So I figure at 42 bottles max, that's 21 teaspoons (which I'll weigh to save me measuring by spoons again!), and if I put 5ml of syrup in each bottle, and allow 10% for evaporation during/after boiling the syrup, that's a tad over 2.3 litres of liquid required.
evanvine said:Line bottles up on worktop.
Place small funnel in first bottle.
Add 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon sugar.
Move funnel to next bottle and repeat.
40 bottles, less than 15 mins.
Go back to 1st post in this thread!