I decided to make a 5L batch of sweet(ish) red wine for a change :-)
5L ASDA red grape juice (Gravity: 1.060)
650g sultanas
500g frozen black forest fruits
Pretty straight forward. I put the sultanas through the mincer on a fine plate then added them to a pot along with the juice. Black forest fruits were added then the whole mix was blitzed using a hand blender. I then passed it through a large brew bag into another pot. Gravity was 1.102. I heated the mix upt to 60c to (hopefully) kill off any bacteria. When it cooled, I added to the fermenter (corny keg) with yeast nutrient. Fermenting with S05 as I know this craps out at 12%ish. Worked well in a recent mead. I'm hoping this ends at around 1.014 as I really want a slightly sweet finish. Won't be bottling. Will serve from the keg it was fermented in. Planning on getting a floating dip tube added so that I don't have to worry about drawing up glasses of yeast.
The mix tasted wonderful. The black forest fruit mix added a lovely acidity. I could have drunk it as it was!
Any advice? What about adding tannins? Not really a wine maker so any thoughts most welcome!