Missing all things brewing at the moment. Too busy with all things winter and health... oh and the complexities of starting a new secondment in January so I'm trying to arrange people to go in my place to meetings and finish off projects I'm involved with the best I can now. Oh and there's Christmas which is a wee bit busy (I work over much of Christmas/New Year and focus on family the rest of the time).
I'm also reflecting on the recent lager competition, yes it was just a wee bit of fun but it made me realise that I really want to make good beer, not just ok beer. I'm always trying to do ever more complicated things and I do need a bit of time now to plan rather than just grab some hours in the week to brew ...and then do so properly rather than the rushed affair it so often has seemed so far. Oh and I'd like the children to be a bit more involved too...
2021 is to be project kegging though. I haven't mentioned yet but I've sort of umm.. well ... accumulated all the bits and pieces necessary and haven't put them all together yet. I'm never going to be @The-Engineer-That-Brews but I would like to be able to be in vaguely touching distance of making really good beer.
A bit of a diary entry I realise and perhaps a teeny bit indulgent to post here on this, but there's a bit of the equality thing of wanting to be good enough to be here, brewing properly smart stuff.
Tell us more about your kegging project, sounds fun!