High Starting Gravity

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Active Member
Oct 11, 2024
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Hi, so I’ve done my second brew, I decided to ferment in a corny. I started with 14l mash water, sparged with 13l and post boil ended up with 19l which was expected, I’m making a lager and used 2kg of lager malt, 2kg of pale malt, 500g of crushed maize. I cooked and decanted it into the keg, dropped my rapt pill in and pitched the yeast and waited to get the sg from my pill. Anyway it’s showing my sg as 1.062, so way high. My question is should I dilute it? And if so by how much roughly, and what do I do about the fact I’ve already pitched my yeast.

Thanks guys
I'd leave it as it is, on the basis that I don't like to interfere with a brew once its started fermenting.
How much yeast did you use ? Under pitching might be more of a problem given the high OG, debatable as to whether it'd be worth chucking another pack of yeast in.
I'd leave it as it is, on the basis that I don't like to interfere with a brew once its started fermenting.
How much yeast did you use ? Under pitching might be more of a problem given the high OG, debatable as to whether it'd be worth chucking another pack of yeast in.
Hi, Thanks for the reply, i left it in the end. I used 1 pack of saflager w34/70 - im not sure if the issue is i'm fermenting under pressure and its giving a false reading - lesson for next time is to grab a refractometer or a hydrometer and test before hand
Presuming it's.a standard corny you won't have any room to top up anyway ..
It is, and i did think that, i would have had to decant some wort to make space, i left it in the end - whats the worst that could happen, itll either be nice and strong or absolutely rank lol