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Who should decide what the 'rules' are?

  • Vossy1

  • Vossy1

  • Vossy1

  • Vossy1

  • or.....Vossy1

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:lol: :lol:

Yep, can do, throw your ideas in this pot :D
Maybe myself Bungo and Kitoog can send our beers together to represent the Irish contingent
I'm up for this . . . Which sets you lot up for a major disappointment :D

In fact I read something similar to this in the Aussie forums . . . . TBH in order to save my Liver I am seriously considering offering a corny or two of wort/beer to however collects it . . . means I can continue to brew in 80L batches with all the benefits of large scale brewing but I don't have it hanging about . . . although this CAP at 5.9% is just the sort of beer you do not want to share :D

Well as no one has even thought about a recipe or even a style . . . . how about Bitter . . . 1.042-1.048, around 36-40IBU, colour ? ? ? If you prefer darker southern beers then fine or a more golden style (like Manky brews) then mod the recipe to suit.

I'm happy to come up with a recipe after all I have no axe to gind . . . I know I'm the best brewer here :D
Vossy1 said:
Shall we mention a certain historical not hey :lol:

I still have the posts that you sent me regarding said IPA . . . would they be somewhat embarrassing if they entered the public domain?? :lol:
When I tasted it it was great IMHO...even though I failed to identify most of the ingredients :roll:
Having said that it's hard to identify flavours you haven't experienced before, but that's the learning curve :cool:

On a side, I'm very partial to Tesco's finest IPA, brewed in Alloa IIRC by the William Bro''s a nice brew and one I'd be happy to have as a regular :drink:
I'd love to join in on this.
I should find out how much it would cost to air freight a wine box over to the uk. I've practised filling them up with beer just recently. Needs to come from a cornie as they expand into a round ball if straight from the fv though. :lol:
There are poly boxes that you can get for shipping bottles of wine-perhaps i could squeeze one of my 750ml bottles in one. :hmm:
Count me in, why not. I like the idea of using different yeasts to your usual one, I'll see what yeasts are flying around the brewing group to see if I can get you lot something you haven't tasted before. I think we still have Cairngorm, Hopback and Nick Stafford's yeast I could use. I also have bottles from the Black Isle Brewery and Downton that I could culture up too if the mood takes me. Although I have my eye on a couple of bottles of Brakspear for a brew in a few weeks time.

Aleman's style suggestion looks good to me, shall we restrict the hops to something we can all get hold of? I'll probably be brewing with Halcyon malt rather than Maris Otter so you can see if that makes a difference too.

Oh and before this descends into a beer brewing cock swinging contest, I'll just let you all know that mines the biggest :party:

Right a summary so far:

People In (8 so far) : Me, AT, Vossy, Brewstew, Russt, Aleman, MEB & JP

Beer : Bitter 1.042 to 1.048 36 - 40 IBU - colour to your preference

Still need to agree whether we go with certain hops/yeast or not - I think leave it open?

Originally i said we'd vote on which recipe we all brew but I think the guidlines Aleman has laid out are good enough - we all agreed?

Right - who else is up for it?
what's the prize for the winner? apart from the ability to brag that his cock.. i mean beer is the biggest/best :D
Could I suggest pairs being drawn at random for the beer swap and then we each do a side by side tasting with our own beer, does this sound agreeable?

Incidentally has anyone looked into how much hobbit mail charge to send a bottle of ale to middle earth? :lol:
Sounds like a good idea to me JP

Whoever send one to 'M' better make sure it's a bloody gooden! :D
Wez said:
Sounds like a good idea to me JP

Whoever send one to 'M' better make sure it's a bloody gooden! :D

Or at least take out a second mortgage and send it airmail, apparently if it goes via ship the extended period in the warm of the tropics does nothing for the flavour.
apparently if it goes via ship the extended period in the warm of the tropics does nothing for the flavour

So, a traditional IPA may make te voyage and be a belter to drink on the other side :hmm:
How many of us have made an old world IPA....sounds like a plan :cool:
To be honest i didn't really expect a bottle back. But i would really like some feedback on my brew. I'll happily pay the costs both ways. :D

Some of the hops you guys still have access to are impossible to get here. The historic IPA is a good idea but it really really needs the 6 month's maturation period to do it justice. I done 24 bottles of 1837. Down to 12 now- i've been 'testing' them occasionally. Ahem :whistle: The first few were a bit hard. But unfortunately they are now quite drinkable-apart from the fact that one is enough for a school night :lol:
How about sticking to a certain IBU but allowing different hops and the brewers choice of yeast? :hmm:
Hold the bus....count me in too :D I had better go and answer J_P's questions now too.
Right I think that someone should be nominated to decide what we are doing, I've added a poll please select who you would like to make the decision :D
That was like one of the Zimbabwian elections.....has V1 been threatening other candidates? :lol: