Advice needed

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Active Member
Oct 11, 2010
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Hello I have purchased a box of Muntons Winter Warmer and I am new to brewing in general. It says on the box to cover the fermenter, but the fermenter I have has a hole in the top. Do I put a bung in the hole or a bung with airlock? Also is it ok to pour 6 pints of boiling water straight into the plastic fermenter? Its a young’s one from Wilko's
And when it says give it a good stir it means a good stir. So when you think you have given it a good stir keep stiring as I found out my idea of a good stir wasnt :lol: .
Thank you Snail59, is it advisable to seal with petroleum jelly as well?
My beer has been in the fermenter for 10 days now so on Saturday I was intending on bottling it. Lets just say how would I bottle it if I do not have a tap connected to the bottom of my fermenter :oops: ?
You'll need a racking tube e.g. a flexable food quality tube to syphon off the liquid into your keg/bottle.

Usually, it is a tube with an inserted rigid end that sits inside the beer/wine just above the sediment at the bottom of your FV/Tub/Bottle.
A small funnel also helps keep your aim at the business end rather than trying to get it all in the neck of the bottle with just the tube.

Simply suck/draw on the tube to get the liquid moving.

Keep the FV on a table or Kitchen side without disturbing the sediment & keep the tube low.

Hope this helps?
Thanks for reply, I assume having a tap would have made life easier
It would but because the tap is near the bottom of your fv you could end up sucking some sediment into your bottles. In the future you could transfer all your beer to another fv with a tap leave for a couple of days and then bottle because the sediment would be left in your 1st fv :D
not all fementing bins have holes in 30 odd years of brewing I`ve had several with holes and never bunged one.

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