A home-brew similar to John Smiths Smooth

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He used to drink a variety of different stuff in years gone by. I think JS is basically the only thing left in most pubs that he recognises. So its a basic go to staple in an ever changing pub themes game.

I am making an order up now and have included the Woodfordes Wherry in the order.
Hopefully that suggests he is a Bitter drinker ergo the Wherry should hopefully go down well. Only thing I would say about Wherry is you should ideally give it plenty of time to condition, I.e. brew now ready for the Summer.
Father in Law tried a bottle of the Golden ale, which is only 2 weeks in the bottle and was impressed enough to have another sent over.

Will get him a batch of Wherry's going, sure he will like that also.
Don't want to be a damp squid but I did Wherry twice and did not rate it one little bit. Light heartedly I would suggest anyone wanting to discuss JS on here is a bit of a fish out of water!
Good luck with the Wherry
Not really a discussion of JS, more like i don't drink the stuff and wanted to try and brew something that might appeal to somebody who drinks that kind of beer. Having never raised it too my lips i genuinely didn't have a clue what type of beer it was.

Interesting note though about the Wherrys.
I might just ask him what he would like me to brew lol. Might be interesting to see.