Apprentice commercial brewer, amateur home brewer
Tried searching the site, maybe I didn't search well, in fact Google didn't seem to understand either...
When you add grain to the heated water to become mash, say 5kg of grain at 20°C to 20L (for the sake of ease as 5 is exactly ¼ of the heated volume) of water at 65°C, what temperature would you expect the hot water to drop to? It's clearly not simply a case of averaging the temperatures of the masses (ie 25kg) since they're different masses with different heat conductivity.
When you add grain to the heated water to become mash, say 5kg of grain at 20°C to 20L (for the sake of ease as 5 is exactly ¼ of the heated volume) of water at 65°C, what temperature would you expect the hot water to drop to? It's clearly not simply a case of averaging the temperatures of the masses (ie 25kg) since they're different masses with different heat conductivity.