3 months on from Hot Break

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Mar 31, 2009
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Well I'm pretty bloody pleased with myself and I don't care who I bore rigid telling about it.

You get married, after a while the novelty wears off and life gets comfortable, gradually the waistlines might start to expand but neither of you are out to impress any longer and you don't really notice or couldn't care.

Fast forward a few years and you might get the occasional comment of “you're drinking too much” and “you could do with losing a bit of weight”, to which a braver man might reply “pot, kettle, have you looked in a mirror lately?”

And then you return to home brewing.

The trouble with homebrew, cost ceases to be an issue and when you've got some stocks laid down it becomes far too easy to get home, grab a beer or open a bottle of wine, and later get another couple of beers or finish that bottle of wine. Every night.

Three and a half years of that, my trousers wouldn't stay up because my waist was bigger than my hips, my shirts were overhanging and I couldn't see my own feet.

Then some photos were uploaded from the Hot Break, and I thought “OMG, it really is time I did something about that”.

I took a month completely off the booze. I'm drinking again now but only about a third of my previous alcohol intake. I've completely cut out biscuits, crisps and peanuts. I've cut out 3 mugs of coffee a day and am drinking ‘no added sugar’ cordials with fizzy bottled water instead (coffee, semi-skimmed milk, 2 sugars = 75 calories, x3 = 225, + biscuits = 400).

I've cut right down on bread, apart from at weekends, and the same with cheese. Two rounds of toast or crumpets oozing butter have been replaced by slow-release porridge or granola for breakfast. My main meals haven't changed significantly, although pies and pasties are restricted. Pizza or Chinese or chip shop - no more than once a fortnight.

The Monday after the Hot Break I weighed in at 15st 6lbs, and have been charting my weight every week. This morning the scales said 12st 13.5lbs. I can't remember the last time I was 12 stone anything. I'm aiming for 12:7, which is about what I was 22 years ago when I got married, then the wife can watch out because I'm going out on the pull.*

So come on guys, I've read from a few of you that you could also do with shedding a few pounds, if I can do it I'm damn sure you can too.

Photos lifted from the Hot Break topic (and I'm still trying to work out why the Admins decided to insult all the Mods with a presentation pack of Wychwood beers):


And this is now, **** self-timer photo from rubbish mobile phone, but you should get the idea.


* That last bit might be wishful thinking.
Bloody hell Moley well done.

I reached 14 stone 7 this summer. I haven't been on a diet but managed to get it back to 14 ish through cutting out snacks at work, however I would like to get it down to 13 stone 7, at 6 ft 3 thats probably not a bad weight.

Inspiration mate well done :thumb:
:thumb: Good work that man!

SWMBO is on a mission too, so I've just gone along with it. Really we're doing nothing too radical, just cooking everything from fresh, no take away, no processed food, you get the idea...

She's shifted loads (as she's more dedicated than me) and I've drawn well back from the encroaching 12st precipice that was rapidly approaching... I think I've lost about 9lb without doing anything vastly different to what I normally do, haven't cut back on the beer, still have a couple pretty much every night but by cutting a load of fat from cooking and doing away with processed food in its entirety it's just dropping off.

I didn't really *need* to lose any weight - but I'm mighty happy that I have, I was starting to get those "Hmmm, maybe I should do something..." thoughts...
Thanks folks. Yes Calum, it does work both ways, my wife has lost a bit too because whoever has been doing the cooking, we've both been putting a bit more thought into what's for dinner. She has now been shamed into re-joining a slimming club, along with our daughter who has a very sweet tooth and eats far too much junk.

My BMI is down from 30.9 (slightly obese) to 26.1 (slightly overweight) and I feel considerably better for it.

I must acknowledge help, support and friendly bullying from a work colleague who had been poking fun at my increasing girth for some time now, or prodding me in the belly and delivering some sarcasm any time I walked past her. When I told her on that Monday “that's it, the diet's started today” she said “Hah! I'll believe it when I see it”.

Mole: “No, seriously, I've decided it's time I did something about this”.
Ann: “So how much are you wanting to lose?”
Mole: “2 stone.”
Ann: “By when?”
Mole: “By Christmas”.
Ann: “It ain't never going to happen. You lose 2 stone by Christmas and I'll give twenty quid to the charity of your choice”.

That was it, with Ann on the case I didn't dare not lose weight. If you met her, you'd understand.

But was she going to take my word for what my scales had said? Oh no. That Friday she brought her own bathroom scales into work. Between my first Monday and her first Friday I had already rattled down my first 4lbs but that didn't count, my start point was re-set from her first reading. Every other Friday since then, just before close of business, I've been herded into the ladies' lav for my official weigh-in. By last Friday, by her scales, I had lost 27.4lbs - close but no donation just yet.
Great work Moley - once it starts to go it just drops off so you'll soon have your donation I am sure :thumb: I too suffered from homebrewers belly ( I considered it as permitted development on my already in place beer belly - you'd never guess I was dealing with council planners at the time ).. I cut back on the beer a bit and started getting fit(ish) again - Lost around 2.5 stone in 6 months and am down beyond wedding day weight :thumb:
good work Moley , i too had put on some weight this year , round about a few months after brewing :wha: :hmm: well stopped extra foods and less beers (through the week ) and i've lost my wok belly which until this year i've never owned lol . (a chap at work had said '' f++king hell mate , has your mrs been ironing your top with a wok '' , the **** lol)
Hawks said:
Great work Moley - once it starts to go it just drops off so you'll soon have your donation I am sure :thumb:
No question about that, although my next weigh-in isn't until a week tomorrow. I've told her to keep the money but as far as she's concerned a bet has been made and must be honoured. My forfeit was never confirmed.

What I don't understand is that the first stone and a half fell off quite quickly, although I lost it all over - face, arms, chest etc. and some off the belly but I retained a noticeable pot. Then the scales stuck and my weight barely changed for a month, and now they are on the move again but this time the wok is getting flattened.

I'm not planning to run any marathons anytime soon (or ever) but I am feeling much fitter and can walk up a decent hill without stopping for a breather every 50 yards. I have started doing some sit-ups and abdominal exercises though.

Well done to you too Hawks.
Very well done indeed :clap: I've found that increased alcohol consumption leads to water retention (for me anyway), if I abstain for 2 weeks I can drop 1/2 stone as Tommy Cooper would say "just like that". It's a change in lifestyle and one for the better Ade, keep it up...you can have a day or 2 off at THB :P..now there's extra motivation...not that you need it :tongue:
Fair shout.

I have crossed the 14 stone mark. Im only 5,8 - 5,10 ish so starting to look like my king keg :lol: I think somewhere in the region of 11.5 - 12 stone would be ideal for me. I keep procrastinating though when it comes to exercise.

IL start exercise in the new year :D
Well done Moley. :clap: :clap: :clap: But looking at your self portrait, you can breath out now. :grin: But seriously. Well done. :thumb:
Well done Moley....That's inspired me. I read this thread and jumped on scales for first time in about a year. I have gained 2stones in 4 years....I am ashamed to say that 17stones 3lb is fat ******* territory. Did the BMI thingy on line and tipped into the Obese sector....not good! It's my first anniversary at end of May. I do not want to look like a tellytubbie for ever. So sod this. Booze cut down to 2 evenings a week. No bread (my downfall).No cheese (my other downfall). No takeaways this side of Xmas. No biccys. ....and the car gets used for work only....use the shoe leather
Well done that man.

I'm trying to lose a bit myself, well, actually quite a lot.... I'm over 18 stone and would like to be in the 15 stone range, so got a lot of will power to find.