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  1. oogaboogachief

    Prickly pear cactus

    They look like pears but taste like strawberry or blackberry mixed with a watermelon. The wine is smelling like blackberry does when is is fermenting. This could be a very spine wine. The little thorns are really no problem just don't handle bare handed. Tongs of light leather gloves are all you...
  2. oogaboogachief

    Prickly pear cactus

    I didn't figure them to be native. Just wondering if any ever made there way over?
  3. oogaboogachief

    Prickly pear cactus

    You guy's got these across the pond? I made a five gallon batch Sunday used 30lbs of the pears that I smashed in a hot water boil 8lbs sugar pectic enzyme nutrient and 1118 yeast. and a gallon of 100 percent blueberry pomagranate juice.
  4. oogaboogachief

    Apple juice based wines

    Check out the apflewein recipie on the American board. Excellent .
  5. oogaboogachief

    Why you shouldn't rush.

    Wow ten days is a lot of patience. Mike
  6. oogaboogachief

    Is all lost?? Wine not Fermenting... UPDATE!!

    Wait a little bit. Heck it aint like you got 30 lbs of fresh fruit or something like that. After all it is just a couple bottles of juice and some tea bags. Don't seem worth a worry to me. If it don't start throw all five dollars worth away and start over. Mike
  7. oogaboogachief

    Method of juice extraction

    That is just backwards of how I collect the wine left at the bottom of carboys after racking. Funnel what is left into a two liter plastic bottle and sit in fridge. In a couple days all the lees and solids will collect to the bottom. Then sit in a large clean glass bowl and prick a hole about a...
  8. oogaboogachief

    When to store wine on it's side.

    The idea of letting stand upright for a few days is to let the air you compress into the bottle from corking to escape. I read where it only works if it is a natural cork. Mike
  9. oogaboogachief

    Cherry Chocolate recipie

    Coming along nicely now. This is a primary shot of one my volcanos. Got them in the secondary now and have only had one eruption so far. Don't have nearly as much sludge as I had figured on. May only lose a couple bottle when rack time comes again. I have RW Knudson pure black cherry juice to...
  10. oogaboogachief

    Cherry Chocolate recipie

    It should ferment dry and I can sweeten if desired. This is one of the funnest wines I've built. It will be fun to watch it clear out once it calms enough to get in a secondary with an air lock. So far it has been so wild and not a fruit fly or a fruit fly's mother to be found, I haven't even...
  11. oogaboogachief

    Cherry Chocolate recipie

    Got one going now with 52 boxes of the candy. Talk about a volcano. [img][/img I have 6 gallons but divided in two primary buckets. This a seven gallon only half full. The five gallon next to it is foaming to the brim...
  12. oogaboogachief

    Cherry Chocolate recipie

    No I am looking for a chocolate covered cherry candy recipe. Much different from a simple wow. Mike
  13. oogaboogachief

    Cherry Chocolate recipie

    Anybody got a good recipe for chocolate covered cherry wine? Thanks Mike
  14. oogaboogachief

    Large bore syphon

    Take all but the last three inch's of with a hose as big as you can find. Use it open ended. Then use the one you been using to leave the trash behind. You can also use both an open ended large bore and your standard rack tube at the same time to really get them done quick. Mike
  15. oogaboogachief

    Help!! Origional WOW not clearing.

    If it taste anything like mine did you will be giving the sink drain a cleaning. A cross between diesel and kerosene for sure. Mike
  16. oogaboogachief

    Fruit in the primary ?

    I stirred and put sanitized hospital gloves on and tried to squish daily. I also added pectin enzyme the fruit is still in good shape. I have heard of a lot of people doing a second run with the same fruit. So would it matter to let it go a few more days? Mike
  17. oogaboogachief

    Fruit in the primary ?

    I am doing a batch of pear with 30 lbs of pears and 10 lb of peaches. I wonder how long you can leave the fruit in the primary. I don't have a press so I cored and chopped them. They have been in for eight days and don't seem to be broken down very much at all. I got a good boiling ferment as I...
  18. oogaboogachief

    what is turbo cider

    Sorry the 2 lb is for a five gallon run. Mike
  19. oogaboogachief

    what is turbo cider

    No it will ferment dry as a bone. Mike
  20. oogaboogachief

    what is turbo cider

    Add two pounds of brow sugar and you have a real nice drink. Mike