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  1. Ant

    Turbo Cider

    So I've finally started my cider. I've mixed everything together in a DJ but I'm just wondering wether I need to top it up after initial fermentation? I've used 4L of apple juice, there's still quite a bit of headspace. Will it spoil it adding more juice? Cheers
  2. Ant

    Turbo Cider

    Cheers, that was the one I was looking for :thumb:
  3. Ant


    Hi there, I've kept a load of screw top wine bottles with the intention of putting corks back in. After seeing some corked bottles I'm not sure if they slightly vary in size. Has anyone done this before?? Cheers
  4. Ant

    Turbo Cider

    Hi there, I've had a good look around for a good TC recipe but can't find one. Does anyone have a link? Many thanks.
  5. Ant


    Is there a big difference between brewing sugar or regular supermarket sugar? I was thinking I could use caster sugar instead? Cheers :thumb:
  6. Ant

    Mead- Caps or Corks?

    Cheers for the links! How do I go about de-gassing?
  7. Ant

    Mead- Caps or Corks?

    I used Asda's own honey. Up to now it doesn't taste that bad but I reckon theres room for improvement. Maybe it'll taste better in a few months. I used Youngs Super Wine Yeast. There is a bit of headspace in the dj, should I worry about that? Cheers for the link, i'll take a look :thumb:
  8. Ant

    Mead- Caps or Corks?

    I started it in a fermenting bucket then siphoned it off into a dj under airlock. Yesterday I racked it again to get it off the sediment and got a hydrometer reading of 1.012. Its not fermenting as much as it was but there are a few bubbles appearing now, it's got a nice colour now aswell...
  9. Ant

    Mead- Caps or Corks?

    Hi everyone, my Mead is ready for bottling soon and I have some nice bottles which are capped. Will these be ok for Mead or are corks much better? I'm probably only going to leave it until Christmas to drink as I only used a cheap honey and don't think its going to be amazing! Cheers
  10. Ant

    Fruit(prison) Hooch/Wine recipie needed

    1 Litre of water 1.5 Litre of orange juice 6 slices of wholemeal bread 500g Sugar 3 Litre plastic bottles with lids An old t-shirt Put the bread in warm water and soak for ten mins. Squeeze each slice so the water turns brown. Pour the sugar into the bottles...
  11. Ant

    Hi from NZ

    Hi there, I just signed up and have had lots of help already, 'tis a great forum :cheers:
  12. Ant

    Prison brew

    Best enjoyed with a fag made from the ends of other fags :hmm:
  13. Ant

    Hello from sunny Bolton

    Hi Steve, don't suppose you're anything to do with Permanent Culture Now? Hi to everyone, found loads of info already- great forum :thumb:
  14. Ant

    When should I put primary into secondary??

    I sucessfully siphoned into my DJ without making a mess! There is a little air gap just below the handles so do I need to top this up with water or is that not important? I'm certainly enjoying this so i'm off for more ingredients tomorrow, Gorse and Dandelion wine! Turbo Cider sounds...
  15. Ant

    When should I put primary into secondary??

    Right, so if I siphon it off into a demiohn this weekend will it carry on ok? Should I stir it up a little or avoid the sediment at the bottom completely? I had a little taste last night and its pretty nice so really want it to work now! Thanks for all your advice anyway, i'm sure i'll get the...
  16. Ant

    Hello from sunny Bolton

    I think I need to play a bit more levellers and waterboys to my nine and six year olds My five week old loves em already!
  17. Ant

    Hello from sunny Bolton

    They're playing in Manchester in November Graysalchemy, 17th at the Academy :D
  18. Ant

    When should I put primary into secondary??

    I got a reading at 1.72 after seven days. Do I just leave in the primary with no airlock until it reaches 1.000? It is still fermenting and has a high alcohol yeast in there. Cheers.
  19. Ant

    When should I put primary into secondary??

    Ok, thanks Rob. I'll let you know how I get on.
  20. Ant

    When should I put primary into secondary??

    Hi there, I have a gallon of Dandelion wine fizzing away in a fermenting bin and I was wondering when to siphon it into a demijohn. Its been in there for a week with about two days 'lag time'. It seems quite active still with muslin and the lid sat on top. The hydrometer read 1.120 before I...