Mead- Caps or Corks?

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Active Member
Apr 25, 2012
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Hi everyone, my Mead is ready for bottling soon and I have some nice bottles which are capped. Will these be ok for Mead or are corks much better?
I'm probably only going to leave it until Christmas to drink as I only used a cheap honey and don't think its going to be amazing!
i'd say get some screw top wine bottles (75cl) from a pub or ask some friends if they have got any thier recycleing or if you do use corks get synthetic ones.
PS how many times have you racked it? and have you degased it?
PPS if you did your mead in a 5l demi you'll get 5 1/2 bottles so i put the 1/2 in a beer bottle.
PPPS if your worried about it not being good and your leaving it till xmas you could add some festive spice: cinnamon clove ect or i've just bottled one and on its last rack i added the rind of an orange to infuse.
I started it in a fermenting bucket then siphoned it off into a dj under airlock.
Yesterday I racked it again to get it off the sediment and got a hydrometer reading of 1.012. Its not fermenting as much as it was but there are a few bubbles appearing now, it's got a nice colour now aswell.
Thought I'd leave it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes.
I like the idea of addidng spices but I might start a fresh one if can find a good recipe.
I was going to use 500ml Apsull Cider bottles which I've kept and cap em.
I used Asda's own honey. Up to now it doesn't taste that bad but I reckon theres room for improvement. Maybe it'll taste better in a few months. I used Youngs Super Wine Yeast.
There is a bit of headspace in the dj, should I worry about that?
Cheers for the link, i'll take a look :thumb:

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