Fruit(prison) Hooch/Wine recipie needed

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Can I just ask why? Surely hooch is not going to be of the best quality where as you could make a wow and its quick easy and nice.
1 Litre of water
1.5 Litre of orange juice
6 slices of wholemeal bread
500g Sugar

3 Litre plastic bottles with lids
An old t-shirt

Put the bread in warm water and soak for ten mins. Squeeze each slice so the water turns brown.
Pour the sugar into the bottles and cover with 1 Litre of warm water and shake until dissolved.
Filter the bread mixture through the t-shirt into the bottles, add the orange juice and shake again.
Put the lids on and put bottles in a warm place.
Let the gas out the bottles so they don't explode!
Try and drink it after about five days.

I've never tried this recipe and probably won't but it'll probably be a good laugh :grin:
Let us know how you get on :thumb:

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