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  1. ceejam

    Can you use dried sloes for sloe gin ?

    I've got a batch on the go with dried sloes. It looks and smells good so far. Haven't tasted it yet though. I started it in Feb, and plan to filter it into bottles sometime this month.
  2. ceejam

    Brecon Brewing Week. PIC Heavy

    Nice to see more pics of Buster's Brewery. I know him from when he was studying at Heriot Watt. Still welding up Landy's eh? :)
  3. ceejam

    St Peters Ruby Red Ale review

    I've done this kit 3 times now, each time dry hopping with fuggles & cascade to try and get a similar hop profile to Inveralmond's Thrappledouser. It is a lovely beer, certainly my favourite & goes down well with everyone else who's sampled it. I'm tempted to brew this again & either not dry...
  4. ceejam

    Adding hops to kits

    I've been adding hops to kits since my 3rd kit last year. 'Dry hopping' really adds to the aroma and flavour without much bittering. I have Saaz & hallertau for lager(y) kits & Cascade for my Ruby Ale. I take a couple of litres of the beer, heat to boiling point, drop in a sanitised muslin bag...
  5. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

    5 gallons of 'Le Mans Ruby Ale' I first brewed it for taking to Le Mans 24 hours last year for my Father in Law's Birthday. St Peters Ruby kit, dry hopped with Fuggles and lots of Cascade. Running total = 840 gallons
  6. ceejam

    st peters ruby red

    I'm curently doing my 3rd St Peter's Ruby Red. Try Dry hopping it with 50g of Cascade - Lovely :cheers:
  7. ceejam

    Easy Keg?

    The longest I've left them is a couple of months from filling to emptying, don't see why it would be any different to bottling or pressure barrel if you leave them sealed. A week from opening & starting to drink they get a bit flat and past their best taste wise.
  8. ceejam

    Easy Keg?

    I just put the end of the sy[hon tube into the easykeg and let it fill. The stated 5 litre capacity leaves a headspace, I have been known to slightly overfill to get a full 9 pints and no had an issue with buckling or popping bungs. I had a relatively high level of carbonation in my mexican...
  9. ceejam

    Brew No.7 - St Peter's Ruby Ale

    Just finished clearing up after bottling / kegging this. 22 bottles & 2 Mini kegs. What a lot of faffing to clean that many bottles! Tastes good, with a Finishing Gravity of 1012, I think the SG was 1038 (didn't post it on here, and not written it down :wha:), which makes it 3.5%, a nice...
  10. ceejam

    Brew No.6 - Mexican Cerveza

    'Twas about 3 weeks, bottled on Friday 29th April, drank lots of it on Friday 20th May.
  11. ceejam

    Brew No.6 - Mexican Cerveza

    Well, the beer went down well at the weekend! I finished a 5 gallon minikeg on Friday night, another one between Saturday & Sunday, along with a few bottles of my Hopped Sparkling ale, some Irish Stout and some Cheeky Vimto.... Was feeling a wee bit :sick: on Saturday & Sunday mornings, but...
  12. ceejam

    Brew No.7 - St Peter's Ruby Ale

    After a week this is starting to taste really good, quite a lot of hop bitterness, but not a million miles away from my memory of Thrappledouser! So tonight I took out a couple of litres and heated them up to 70 degrees (ish) and added 20g of Fuggles and 50g of Cascade in a muslin bag for about...
  13. ceejam

    Brew No.4 - Black Rock Nut Brown Ale

    The top pic is the home brew, looks clearer in the glass than the Newcastle Brown, there isn't so much ambient light in the 2nd pic of the Newcy brown! I was well impressed by how well this (and subsequent brews) have cleared right down with no added ingredients! :drink:
  14. ceejam

    Brew No.6 - Mexican Cerveza

    I expect that most of it will get drunk this weekend, as I'm away with some mates and they are keen to sample it!
  15. ceejam

    5 Lt Mini Kegs on the move

    I was thinking that, but like the more "professional" appproach of the kegs as opposed to refilled juice bottles.
  16. ceejam

    Brew No.7 - St Peter's Ruby Ale

    I was slightly concerned that the sample from my trial jar was quite bitter, and had seen that mentioned in relation to the kits before. Was that your issue with it? Might take some beer out and dissolve some sugar in it whne I go to dry hop it - Any thoughts?
  17. ceejam

    Brew No.6 - Mexican Cerveza

    One thing I did different with this was using an aquarium heater set to 20 degrees, and the fermentor in my garage in the dark, and ambient around 10-14 degrees. Doesn't seem to have any of the "twang" that my previous brews have had!
  18. ceejam

    Brew No.7 - St Peter's Ruby Ale

    I started this off last night - first two can kit I've done - wanted to do a Red ale, and this looked inteersting. As per kit instructions so far, added the sachet of hop powder before the yeast, which I rehydrated prior to pitching. I plan to dry hop with a little Fuggles and a lot of...
  19. ceejam

    5 Lt Mini Kegs on the move

    From here, Just ordered 20, and they're £12.50 delivered. ... y_Keg.html
  20. ceejam

    5 Lt Mini Kegs on the move

    Well, took one away, and the last part of the journey is a bit bumpy. Left it for a good few hours and it was spot on. Lasted a few days, and starts to get a wee bit flat towards the end, but still drinkable! Need to buy some more bungs now - Could reuse old ones, but not convinced, and...