I brewed this up a few weeks ago (13/04/2011) but didn't have a chance to post on here.
I used the Cooper's kit, 1kG of Munton's BKE & 400g white sugar to get a starting gravity of 1045.
I used the kits yeast, which is a mix of lager & ale yeast, and used my new aquarium heater to control fermentatin to a steady 20 degrees. I put the fermenter in the garage with the heater inside it - glad I did as it was quite sulphury during the ferment.
I left it a good two weeks and it finished at 1006, so around 5.3%
Thanks to Wills & Kate's wedding I had a day off so got it bottled while the wife was watching the wedding!
I batch primed in a pressure barrel with 300g of priming sugar to get it nicely fizzy, before syphoning into bottles / mini kegs and left it two weeks in the warm, and now it's had a few days in the garage / fridge, it;sdrinking really nicely!
Tried a wee drop lime cordial in one last night, but not convinced!
I used the Cooper's kit, 1kG of Munton's BKE & 400g white sugar to get a starting gravity of 1045.
I used the kits yeast, which is a mix of lager & ale yeast, and used my new aquarium heater to control fermentatin to a steady 20 degrees. I put the fermenter in the garage with the heater inside it - glad I did as it was quite sulphury during the ferment.
I left it a good two weeks and it finished at 1006, so around 5.3%
Thanks to Wills & Kate's wedding I had a day off so got it bottled while the wife was watching the wedding!
I batch primed in a pressure barrel with 300g of priming sugar to get it nicely fizzy, before syphoning into bottles / mini kegs and left it two weeks in the warm, and now it's had a few days in the garage / fridge, it;sdrinking really nicely!
Tried a wee drop lime cordial in one last night, but not convinced!