Brew No.4 - Black Rock Nut Brown Ale

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Dec 27, 2010
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Well after a rubbish day at work, I popped into my LHBS on the way home and picked up some Nottingham yeast to go with the Nut Brown Ale kit I got a couple of weeks ago.

So, I got this on the go tonight after putting my Daughter to bed and my wife going out.

Did the usual sterilising etc, and rehydrated the yeast as per the packet instructions. I Had the extract can in hot water aswell.

This time I decided to try mixing the Beer Enhancer (Munton's 1KG) with a little cool water before ading the hot extract / boiling water to try and reduce the "clumping" problems I'd had before - It worked quite well, still a few wee kumps, bt a bit of vigorous stirring got them dissolved. Added the extract and ued boiling water to get the last bits out the tin, then humphe the bucket into the sink to fill with water, to save the floor getting another soaking.

Topped this up to about 22 litres, got an OG of 1040, then pitched in the yeast suspension at around 23 degrees.

The Yeast Suspension

The Aerated wort before pitching
nice 1. the best brews are usually the spontaneous ones! if u think about it too much u end up missing something, hope it tastes gd!
Just drawn off a sample with my new oil baster (£1.50 in Tesco) and Hydrometer says 1012, which isn't bad for 5 days work.

Tastes pretty good too, will leave it until at least Thursday to let the yeasties clear it a bit.
Why isn't there more brown ale kits about (i thought Geordie might do one ) ,I asked my local home brew shop owner this and he said "its an old man drink isnt it?) .... I,m an old man .

I,ve just bottled a Hambleton Bard kit , old english bitter and on first tasting its not a million miles away from old newkie brown ,which i,m well pleased about,a bit sweet ,I made it with some treacle added ,and all the better for it as far as I can tell.
I,ve searched a few sites and brown ale kits seem to be thin on the ground.
Am I alone? :cry:
The first kit I did was Cooper's English Bitter, which was rather tasty.

I've never actually tried Newcy brown, but I've been tempted recently to try one compared with this brew.

I'm only 30, so not an old man, but took advice for this one from Davie Martin @ Edina Homebrew, and I think he'd admit he's no spring chicken ;)
spudbasher said:
Why isn't there more brown ale kits about (i thought Geordie might do one ) ,I asked my local home brew shop owner this and he said "its an old man drink isnt it?) .... I,m an old man .

I,ve just bottled a Hambleton Bard kit , old english bitter and on first tasting its not a million miles away from old newkie brown ,which i,m well pleased about,a bit sweet ,I made it with some treacle added ,and all the better for it as far as I can tell.
I,ve searched a few sites and brown ale kits seem to be thin on the ground.
Am I alone? :cry:

Have you tried the geordie mild? I brewed this ages ago and it was just like a brown ale, a bit thin but made with some spraymalt would probably be decent enough.
Cheers,will try the mild like you say, noticed your doing beet and orange, I had a glut last year on the allotment and was sick of the sight of them, no worries this year! Do they make a decent red?
Beetroot wine really does taste of beetroot :lol: I diced and boiled 2kg of beets for 20mins, strained the liquor onto around 800g of sugar cooled and added to 1litre of orange juice, cup of black tea, lemon juice and then yeast. Is more of a light red, worth a go - quite an earthy taste but nice. :thumb:
Got this into Mini kegs this afternoon (got another 5 from my mate last night, so got enough for 2 brews now!)

Did a couple of bottles aswell.

Came down to 1010 final gravity, and I'm loving this already - Think the Nottingham yeast may be getting used again with some of the Cooper's kits I've done before and like!

Currentlt enjoying a few pints of the Cooper's Irish Stout I kegged a couple of weeks ago :drink:
Well I have been a bit busy over the last few weeks, but got a chance to upload and post some pics of this one.

Guess which is a Famous (Newcastle) Brown Ale and which is Homebrew ;) :cheers:

Pic 1


Pic 2


All gone, other than one bottle, but will be trying it again!
The top pic is the home brew, looks clearer in the glass than the Newcastle Brown, there isn't so much ambient light in the 2nd pic of the Newcy brown!

I was well impressed by how well this (and subsequent brews) have cleared right down with no added ingredients! :drink:

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