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  1. V


    I would be one very happy bunny :party:
  2. V

    Monday is Brewday!

    Sounds like your going to be busy tomorrow j 8-)
  3. V


    Thanks b :thumb: I'm looking for max 12mm ish thickness/protection and I'm not sure poly or insulation would be up to it. So far the cheapest easiest option seems to be a steel pencil case :roll:
  4. V

    Introduction to myself

    Welcome to the forum G :thumb:
  5. V

    New automatic electric brewery

    Getting there Bob 8-)
  6. V

    Temperature Controlling Fermentation for Larger Volumes

    Yup, that's the one, thanks Fil :thumb:
  7. V


    Had thought of them C as per sight tube use but it ain't cheap plus 2 lots of postage :roll: I've also been thinking of making a smaller version of these :hmm: Thanks G, I was looking at pen cases last night but I'd want them to be the rigid type and they're hard to find. The search goes on.
  8. V


    Me thinks you like that pic n :lol:
  9. V


    Possibly a bit too deep, looking something sub 14mm.
  10. V


    Interesting iceo, thank you :thumb:
  11. V


    :lol: How bloody hard can this be :roll: :roll:
  12. V


    Thanks P, been looking at individual bit cases but can't find a slim multiple holder...if that makes sense.
  13. V


    Would prefer it to be a bit lighter Bob, something like this :hmm:
  14. V


    Thanks R, it's an idea, I've also looked at acrylic tube, with both I'd have to source caps :hmm:
  15. V

    Brewers wings

    Welcome to the forum M :thumb:
  16. V


    Bit to big really, but thanks Jim. Would be better if the tube had a diameter as close as possible to the item, so 10-12mm, or box thickness the same :hmm: search knitting needle holders :lol: :roll:
  17. V


    Hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction, I've just spent 30 mins looking but unless you know what your looking for it's useless :roll: I'm after something to store/protect some items the size of pencils, they're about 8mm in diameter and 160mm long and I have 6 of them. A...
  18. V

    First Timer

    Welcome to the forum :thumb:
  19. V

    Temperature Controlling Fermentation for Larger Volumes

    As per Matty's advice, a larger fridge or make your own cupboard. This is my old one which now houses my grain mill. Build a cupboard to take a fv, in this case a 60ltr, and lag it with kingspan or some other insulating material. Heating in this case is by a tubular heater, cooling is by using a...
  20. V

    Whale beer anyone
