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New Member
Jan 10, 2014
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Hello all.

Brewing is something I've considered getting into for years, and this Christmas my girl friend gave me the push I needed by getting me a Young's Bitter Brew Buddy kit.

I've spent the two weeks or so reading up on what's what ("The "OMG I don't want to screw up my first brew" how to" was particularly helpful, so thanks to calumscott for that) and getting one or two bits and pieces that should help the process go as smoothly as possible, and I'm hopefully going to be starting my first brew this weekend.

Hopefully this will be the first of many and I expect this forum will be a place I come to often for help when the inevitable crisis or two occur.
Welcome to the wonderful world of brewing! The first one can be a bit daunting because of the measuring and sterilising and all the strange kit, but it'll all fall into place. I had to rehearse it a couple of times in my head first. And if you muck up the first one, just buy another beer kit and have another go!

Good luck with your first brew! :thumb:

Thanks for all the kind words.

I made a start on it today and as far as I'm aware everything has run pretty smoothly, my one slight concern is about temperature. My flat is as cold as they come most of the time so I was a bit prepared, and have the FV sitting in a tup filled with water and an aquarium heater in that water to try and keep the temperature steady.

I have the heater set to 24 degrees and my stick on thermometer is showing 19. The kit says anything between 18 and 21 is fine but I'm worried overnight it might drop below 18. Any tips on how to prevent that, or is it as simple as turning up the heater?

daarchibald said:
I'm worried overnight it might drop below 18.
I don't have any proven ideas on keeping it warm - some kind of waterproof insulation maybe - perhaps cover the whole lot with a big plastic sheet or something. I keep mine under the stairs covered in an old blanket. I have an under tray heater. I turn it on and check it twice a day to make sure it isn't too hot. Other than that, I ignore it and check the gravity after 10-12 days and again 2 days later. I'm sure its fallen below 18 degrees on occasion when its been turned off.

18-21 is just the ideal. Too low and the fermentation will take longer, or may even stall. There's a discussion somewhere about how to restart a stuck fermentation, so all's not lost. I have not had to do anything special yet - I just give it warmth and time.

The other thing to bear in mind is that the stick on thermometer is outside the FV and in contact with the cold air, so will read lower than the contents.

Cover it if you can and just see what it says tomorrow morning.
Thanks, I was up til 3 last night, checking it a few times, and have been checking it throughout today as well and it seems the only fluctuation is between 19 and 20, didnt show any signs of dropping below that so positive signs so far.
daarchibald said:
Thanks, I was up til 3 last night, checking it a few times, and have been checking it throughout today
Glad to hear it's keeping steady, even at this time of year. :thumb:

It's a bit like having kids. You worry incessantly when the first one is born, and you worry less with each one. Don't repeat that to SWMBO! :D