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  1. A

    Deep cleaning

    :oops: :oops: Every Brew :oops: :oops: But as I have similar brewing habits to the Admins that would be Yearly . . . or slightly less frequently
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    Benefits of using reverse osmosis water?

    Given how the tap water varies here in the UK from the ultra soft waters of Scotland, North west England and the south west, to the ultra hard waters of the South East, it's impossible to take that into account. As profit is the ultimate aim of the kit manufacturer, they will ensure that the...
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    Forum polotics.

    :roll: :roll: :roll: Breathing is the process of getting air into a body, in mammals accomplished by the diaphragm and intercostal muscles (insects use spiracles . . . and have some muscles that can 'pump' air in and out of them). Yeast, and other single celled organisms do not breath...
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    Who Manufactures Young's beer kits?

    I would say that 90% of the UK kits are made by Muntons. . . One or two other smaller companies are used to make some of the others (and the beggar won't tell me who they are :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: )
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    Forum polotics.

    If we take the definitions in the loosest terms aerobic - in the presence of oxygen and Anaerobic - In the absence of oxygen, then yes I was wrong :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: . Going into a little bit more detail, we discover that yeast when put in the presence of sugar ferment the...
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    Will I blow the roof off?

    Possibly only 500g in that case . . .
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    Benefits of using reverse osmosis water?

    The kit manufacturer would have taken that into account when mashing the grain before concentrating the wort. The kit contains all the minerals that were present in the original wort. . . . Making a kit up with RO water means the wort is as close to what the manufacturer intended.
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    For Sale - Pair Of Corny Kegs

    Due to a timewaster :twisted: :twisted: These are still for sale As you can see that have a couple of dents None of which affect the operation of the kegs in any way. I'm including the following bits The whole lot for £115 including postage.
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    Will I blow the roof off?

    Too much malt . . .will need a kilo of sugar to bring the FG down to a sensible level
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    steam sterilising

    15-20 minutes at 121C . . . or 15 psi. I usually invert the 'basket' and my stuff goes on the basket . . . 3/4 to a pint of water. . .Bring to boil steam with vent open for 5 minutes. close vent . . .pressurise . .cook for said time . . .turn heat off and allow to cool naturally If I make...
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    steam sterilising

    +1 It's so good to finally hear from someone else that using a piddly baby bottle steriliser , wallpaper stripper, steam bullet, dishwasher isn't a good idea. . . . Although I suspect (know) the advice and information will fall on a lot of deaf ears . . . God knows I've tried . . . . (now...
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    batch vs fly

    You need a bigger mash tun to batch sparge ;) You have to leave space for your 1st batch top up . . in a fly sparge you can use practically all of the space for the mash You have to recirculate each batch to remove the big chunks of grain debris. If you go for more batches because you mash...
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    CO2 Observation - not wasting it.

    Replace the lid seals with a silicone one . . .Job Done, seals at way less than 5psi. The really tricky leak to find is the one in the blooming PRV :twisted: :twisted:
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    Car Tyre Puncture... Repairable?

    You Got problems . . .180 Quid a corner for mine
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    Bottle bombs: why you don't want one

    Not in England . . . . . Yet!
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    Kegged lager/Carbonation

    20-30 psi at 6-8C . . .It's over carbonated You will have between 3-4 volumes of CO2 dissolved in it whereas for lager you should be aiming at 2-2.5Vols. Release all pressure from the keg . . . and keep it that way for 3-5days or a week (cover the keg with a plastic bag and tap it so nothing...
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    Car Tyre Puncture... Repairable?

    Middle third / half of the tyre then no problem as long as the carcase is intact . . . edge / sidewall = new Tire :( Sounds as though you should be ok . . .although that depends on the tyre place :evil: :evil:
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    My water report

    Pointless with those figures. . . No sodium, sulphate, chloride or alkalinity figures Looking at the form and location I suspect you are supplied by United Utilities . . .who do have a extended report with most of the figures on. Looking at those I will make an educated guess that you...
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    For Sale - Pair Of Corny Kegs

    Didn't really want to do this and have them on here and on eBay but needs must. In the vain hope of raising funds for my 150L Jacketed conical, I have decided that I need to cull my corny herd. I've sold one breeding pair, via PM to a member on here and thought I would offer the next pair...
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    Starting up a local home brew club

    Or even a decent local pub ;)