My water report

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Active Member
Jul 24, 2012
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I have been trying to improve my equipment and techniques over the last year when i decided to finally look at the main ingredient of my beer. so I have checked with my local supplier and this is my water report.

I mainly brew Bitter,IPA and APA in 20 litre batches. I have no idea where to start with my water chemistry and dont fancy wrecking a full batch. Maybe adding some gypsum or epsom salts would enhance my brews?

Thanks in advance on this one as I know its a fairly complicated matter.
dennisking said:
Go to the forum calculator and enter those figures, all done for you.
Pointless with those figures. . . No sodium, sulphate, chloride or alkalinity figures

Looking at the form and location I suspect you are supplied by United Utilities . . .who do have a extended report with most of the figures on. Looking at those I will make an educated guess that you alkalinity is low (Get a Salifert Test kit and measure it each and every time you brew!!) . ..and for pale ales and bitter you should think about adding 1 level tsp of gypsum to the mash and 1 level tsp of gypsum to the boil.

darker grists you might want to consider adding 1/4 tsp of sodium bicarbonate to the dry grist as well as the gypsum.

If you want to let more malt character through ubstitue all or some of the gypsum for calcium chloride.

Water treatment is simple, you don't need calculators and a battery of analytical scientists to work it out for you.