Kegged lager/Carbonation

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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I have a Coopers European lager kegged and has been kegged for maybe a month or more

I forced carbed it but when pouring under 2psi it has lots of head, too much head in fact though very smooth head

Have I carbed it too much

The mouth feel does not taste too gassy

I know that this is a bit early for coopers but just wanted to test it
I forgot to mention it has been at a constant temperature of 6-8 degrees
Did you release the excess pressure in the keg prior to setting your pouring pressure.? If not give that a go first.
If you are dropping you pressure quickly then the Co2 will be coming out of solution, if you are doing it slowly then you are just redusing the volumes of Co2 in your beer. Dropping pressure you will get build up of Co2 in the lines and tap. Upon pouring you will let lots of lovely foam.

You should really serve at your carbonation pressure / temperature otherwise your carbonation will drop over time or you will get gas break out.


Yes there seems to be more bubbles in the line than a normal ale and this is my first attempt at the lager

All these questions must really get on the veterans nerves as they have all no doubt been asked before so my apologies

So are you telling me to up the serving pressure to what it was carbonated at (20-30)

Once again sorry for the ignorance
20-30 psi at 6-8C . . .It's over carbonated You will have between 3-4 volumes of CO2 dissolved in it whereas for lager you should be aiming at 2-2.5Vols.

Release all pressure from the keg . . . and keep it that way for 3-5days or a week (cover the keg with a plastic bag and tap it so nothing gets in while the CO2 is coming out of solution). . .then gas up to 10-13 psi and try serving at that temp. . .with a decent length of 3/16 beer line it should pour well, with a good rising bead, and not resemble a fire extinguisher
Aleman you mean take lid off keg and cover with bag

If this cures it I then need to know how to prevent it next time
Ideally you can lock the PRV open so it keeps releasing gas :thumb:

Next time carbonate using c 12 PSI and you shouldn't get the problem