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  1. fivetide

    Pointless logo

    You can brew with seven malts, make a seven percent beer, condition for 7 months in a 7 year whiskey barrel -- all manner of things. - Shed Seven! - Seven Seas of Rye (yum!) - Se7en - Seven Beer Itch - Seven Card Stud - Wonders of the World (that's a whole range of seasonals!) - Seven Veils -...
  2. fivetide


    Hi there. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I lack anything to drink beer out of, but I haven't received my glass in six weeks or so and I have a nice mild that would look perfect in it... ...will it be in my Christmas stocking? :)
  3. fivetide

    Support Rock Art Brewery

    There are something like 50 beers on Ratebeer that include the name Monster in some form or another. It's pretty common. And the company taking them to court is currently a soft drinks manufacturer, not a brewer. I think Monster Munch should sue too, you know, just to be on the safe side.
  4. fivetide

    What kit did you start off with?????

    Wherry in a King Keg with a muzzy of First Gold as a dry hop. I reckon I'd have joined the CBA on about five occasions if it didn't require a cheque or postal order. Might as well have asked for groats, three hens or savings stamps -- haven't had a cheque book in a decade or more. I think...
  5. fivetide

    Therminator Users?

    Thanks both. Sounds like I also need a pump to go that route then. I didn't realise that.
  6. fivetide

    Woodforde's Wherry?

    Good call Mouse. The Great Eastern is another good 'Woodforde's' kit and one that is particular good with a little dry hopping with a nice aroma hop. There are a few keys to these kits, not least huge amounts of aeration (put your paddle in a cordless drill if you want!), well rehydrated yeast...
  7. fivetide


    Just sent you the readies via Paypal, Wes. I will be popular. We already have more pint glasses than cupboard space.
  8. fivetide

    Support Rock Art Brewery

    It's not just UK pubs and breweries that are having the rugs pulled out from under them, although because they affect each of us all more immediately, these issues rightly feel the closest to home. Like you, I do all I can to support local breweries and my community pub, but couldn't help...
  9. fivetide

    Speeding up AG brewing and producing more beer ?

    No it's not easy or usual to have lifters and so on. Most home/craft brewers either have a reasonably static tiered gravity system with HLT at the top, mash tun, then copper, then clearance for an FV. Or they go the pump route, which as I said, really does make a lot of sense but along with...
  10. fivetide

    Coopers IPA with a little experimentation

    It all sounds just fine bonobo - carry on as you are, I say!
  11. fivetide

    Vanilla Porter AG

    Sounds tasty, but how are you adding the vanilla profile?
  12. fivetide

    Speeding up AG brewing and producing more beer ?

    Good point zwickel. Some of us just like the simplicity of gravity / waterfall brewing without the additional expense, hassles, cleaning and power requirements of pumping, I think. It's a sensible option though, you're quite correct!
  13. fivetide

    Therminator Users?

    Wez - how do you use the Therminator in practice? Do you just let your copper settle after the brew, take some runnings and returns, then let the hot bitter wort flow through the Therminator directly to your fermenter? In which case, where does the cold break occur that you'd normally leave in...
  14. fivetide

    1st AG Brew - so sloooooow!

    I'm sure my first AG took just as long and had a number of sticky moments, but had me grinning from ear-to-ear! And in a month or so you can get merry on something you conjured up from a bag of dry grain! How cool is that?
  15. fivetide

    Mild Autumn ;-)

    That's an interesting mild. Amber, eh?
  16. fivetide

    Woodforde's Wherry?

    It's certainly about knowing what you like, and I think 'over-hopped' is a similarly subjective opinion. I would argue that if anything, dry-hopping pale ale, bitter and best bitter kits actually brings them closer to the taste of the majority of modern commercial ales, and that anyone new to...
  17. fivetide

    Speeding up AG brewing and producing more beer ?

    I move my mash tun after I've doughed in, but then not again. A stress-free brewday from pre-heating the MT to putting in the airlocks on my FVs takes me 6hrs, give or take 15 minutes either way. I probably could race around and knock a half hour off that through greater efficiencies, and a...
  18. fivetide

    Witches Wort - My Brew For Halloween...

    Blimey Wez, you'll be strung up for having a brew that young...
  19. fivetide

    Woodforde's Wherry?

    What Wez said. Stick an ounce of EKGs, First Gold or even some Amercian aroma hops in a muzzy and pop into a secondary bin, or the barrel during the week or warm conditioning. Hoike the bag with the thread you remembered to tie to it, then condition for a month in the cold. It's not a bad brew...
  20. fivetide

    Boxshed Timmy's Original - with slightly pointless videos...

    Thanks very much. I find it a really useful way to keep a record of things, and it's always great when other people like buckets of brown stuff too :)