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  1. Darkbrewer

    grain v kits

    I haven't done an AG yet. But Sun. is my first. I'll let you know how it goes post my pictures and hardships. I want to do it for most of the reasons others have said. Tweaking recipes and the tinkering of equipment. And the price is awesome. it works out to about .40$ a bottle and if I bought...
  2. Darkbrewer

    Pocket Tazer Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife.

    Well I was curious so I checked some sites for crime rate. And I guess it does. You guys have a much lower rate then most other countries. Not gonna say where the US falls on that list :whistle:
  3. Darkbrewer

    Pocket Tazer Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife.

    Wow. Does it realy help crime rate that much?
  4. Darkbrewer

    Brewers yeast

    I did research into this as well cause I saw it and was like wow whats it doing in this section of the market. It's completely inactive and as mark said is being sold for its very high bvit stores. Deff stick to the active culture from brew stores
  5. Darkbrewer

    Pocket Tazer Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife.

    really a firearm....... What about Bows?
  6. Darkbrewer

    Oat Stout

    I agree with dunfie the only real diff I've noticed is mouth feel and a little residual sweetness at the end.
  7. Darkbrewer

    Pocket Tazer Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife.

    :rofl: I just read this to my wife she almost died. She knows that that would have been me. We bought an airsoft pistol to scare the squirrels out of our yard..... But I could shoot em with it with out know how bad it hurts. So I point down at my shoeless foot...... Pop. not a bang or anything...
  8. Darkbrewer

    My Blueberry Pils

    Yeah it does. It actually scared me a bit when I tried one ater a week. It kinda tasted like a young wine. Luckily the beer taste came back thru. I added some spices as well that give a wonderful aroma
  9. Darkbrewer

    Here's the recipe for Sun. let me know if it needs anything

    Agreed on the allspice. I was thinking ginger as well. And your right on the pumpkin. I gotta find a conversion though. I was going to use use canned pumkin which I'm guessing is like 1lbs to 3 of uncooked.
  10. Darkbrewer

    My Blueberry Pils

  11. Darkbrewer

    Here's the recipe for Sun. let me know if it needs anything

    I saw the using the pumpkin as equipment. I think I'd be too scared of unfriendlies getting into the beer. And yeah here in the U.S the pie spices are easy to get.
  12. Darkbrewer

    Here's the recipe for Sun. let me know if it needs anything

    Alrighty that settles that. Pumpkin in the mash only. But now whats the consensus on spices? Soon I wont even have to think :rofl:
  13. Darkbrewer

    Here's the recipe for Sun. let me know if it needs anything

    :D I had the same thought. Pumpkin wont be dry or hops............ Didn't know what else to call adding stuff to the fermentor
  14. Darkbrewer

    From kits to here

    Cool post. I love seeing the evolution of EQ.
  15. Darkbrewer

    Here's the recipe for Sun. let me know if it needs anything

    Thanks Aleman. Do you think the flavor will carry thru the whole process or should I be considering dry hopping some in as well?
  16. Darkbrewer

    Just bottled my oatmeal stout

    Thanks for the link. :wha: Depending on how this turns out I may get a giant pumpkin next year and give this a go. It looks crazy enough to be fun.
  17. Darkbrewer

    Here's the recipe for Sun. let me know if it needs anything

    Thats the exact question I wanted to see :D . I was thinking last 10 min of boil. But maybe in mash since it is starchy. :hmm:
  18. Darkbrewer

    Here's the recipe for Sun. let me know if it needs anything

    9 lbs. Domestic 2-Row 8 oz. Carapils, 8 oz. Caramel 10L, 1 oz. of mt hood bittering hops, 1 oz. of cascade aroma hops, 1 cup brown sugar, tsp. cinnamon, tsp. nutmeg, 15 oz. pumpkin S-04 yeast
  19. Darkbrewer

    Got my next piece of EQ

    Will do. I have a few mates comin over to give me a hand for my first go of it. The tinkering of eq and recipes is almost as fun as drinking the beer.
  20. Darkbrewer

    Got my next piece of EQ

    Got the kink out. It was harder to do then I thought. Hopefully I have enough copper to chill like I want from what I'm seeing I may need to add another coil. Though I only do 5gal batches so its time for a bit of learning curve :cheers: . Looks like brewday will be Sun. I'll post the recipes to...