Here's the recipe for Sun. let me know if it needs anything

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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Southern Michigan
9 lbs. Domestic 2-Row
8 oz. Carapils,
8 oz. Caramel 10L,
1 oz. of mt hood bittering hops,
1 oz. of cascade aroma hops,
1 cup brown sugar,
tsp. cinnamon,
tsp. nutmeg,
15 oz. pumpkin
S-04 yeast
pumpkin :shock: now thats not something you see in every brew! How are you going to add it?
Mash it!! Cut into chunks about 1" square then roast in the oven until soft. Then add it to the mash during doughing in . . . or Just after . . . You need to convert that starch . . . do not add it to the boiler. Personally I'd up it to 1.5 to 2 lbs to get more of a flavour contribution, and I also would consider mashing it before adding it to the tun. Watch out for a stuck mash :lol:
Thanks Aleman. Do you think the flavor will carry thru the whole process or should I be considering dry hopping some in as well?
Darkbrewer said:
Thanks Aleman. Do you think the flavor will carry thru the whole process or should I be considering dry hopping some in as well?

dry pumpkining :grin:
Have a look at brewmasters punkin ale on discovery (or piratebay) (dogfishhead promo programme) they add cans of pumpkin pulp (cooked or roasted I assume) to the mash as AM has indicated, add a small amount of hops to the bottom of the mash tun before dumping your grain and pumpkin in, it will stop you getting a stuck mash.

Don't bother adding pumpkin in the fermenter you will get an infected beer at worse or bad haze problems at best.

Alrighty that settles that. Pumpkin in the mash only. But now whats the consensus on spices? Soon I wont even have to think :rofl:
Mash and Ferment it in a pumpkin? Like these guys

Maybe not :D

There are a few recipes out there, most of them seem to mash the pumpkin and put some pumkin pie spices in right at the end of the boil. No idea where you would get said spices in the UK though. Looking again you aren't in the UK so presumably you can get the spices easily enough.
I saw the using the pumpkin as equipment. I think I'd be too scared of unfriendlies getting into the beer. And yeah here in the U.S the pie spices are easy to get.
Darkbrewer said:
I saw the using the pumpkin as equipment. I think I'd be too scared of unfriendlies getting into the beer.
I'd give it a miss too, although tbh I doubt using a pumpkin as the mash tun would be a big problem given that the pumpkin will have been sealed until just before you use it and it is all pre-boil. However I can't really see the point other than novelty.

Most of the recipes I've seen (google results, byo magazine website and Radical Brewing) have more pumpkin than you're suggesting. They seem to range from 2lbs up to 10. I've never brewed or tasted a pumpkin ale, so I guess you should follow your own instincts on it. Your spice levels look about right to me (I'd add at the end of the boil), but I have only limited experience of using spice in beers. Maybe some allspice?
Agreed on the allspice. I was thinking ginger as well. And your right on the pumpkin. I gotta find a conversion though. I was going to use use canned pumkin which I'm guessing is like 1lbs to 3 of uncooked.