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  1. Darkbrewer

    Milk wine

    Well piper I think I'll stick with a completely lactose free milk for the first go of it. As soon as my current wine is out of the fermentor I'll be doing it.
  2. Darkbrewer

    My Green Bay Packers are Superbowl champs!

    I was rooting for GB as well man. A team from my teams division is close enough for me. Especial since the ,,,,cough.... Lions never will
  3. Darkbrewer

    Seriously considering Milk wine

    I'll keep everyone informed on this project. As soon as the wife's wildberry wine moves to a DJ and frees up a fermentor its going in.
  4. Darkbrewer

    Seriously considering Milk wine

    yep search for it on this sight. Its kinda scary lookin with dairy. Thats why I was thinking an alternative milk type product.
  5. Darkbrewer

    Seriously considering Milk wine

    I've already got a fruit wine going......... Its more about the novelty and I'm thinkin potentially some killer white russians.
  6. Darkbrewer

    Seriously considering Milk wine

    Ok I know we've seen pictures that makes this seem touchy. But I was thinking of using fat free soy or almond milk. :wha: Not sure how those would behave in the fermentor. Any thought and or suggestions to help this work?
  7. Darkbrewer

    Just bottled my oatmeal stout

    Just tasted a bottle. Its awesome. Unbelievable. Although I have almost no head on it. I'm not terribly worried about it cause flavor is more important then a pretty pour. But any advice for future head retention?
  8. Darkbrewer

    Strong IPA?

    There are several IPA recipes in the Recipe book area. I haven't done one yet but I'm guessing hop selection is very key.
  9. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    Yep. It smelled awesome too. Like thanksgiving
  10. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    Here's what she looks like right after I racked it into secondary. Hopefully it settles more. I'll pry add Gellatin in a couple days if it doesn't.
  11. Darkbrewer

    Maple dark ale what's people's thoughts on this recipe

    Depending on what time I get home from the shop I'll be brewing this tonight
  12. Darkbrewer

    Milk wine

    If this works out I was thinkin a drink mixer based off this could rock.
  13. Darkbrewer

    Whats everyone drinking?

    Not home brew tonight. I'm doing research into the world of coffee beers. It's a tough job I know. So far Cappuccino Stout By Lagunitas brewing is ahead. Darkhorses Perkolater Dubbel Is a close second though.
  14. Darkbrewer

    Milk wine

    Hows this project going?
  15. Darkbrewer

    My new pride and joy.

    I just had a frickin beergasm. That rig is awesome. One day I swear one day. Alpha props my friend
  16. Darkbrewer

    Kegging beer?

    Awesome thanks
  17. Darkbrewer

    Steeping crushed malt???

    :cheers: Glad I could help
  18. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    :rofl: I don't even know what that means The beer is bubbling really well. I'll try to post pics once I rack it
  19. Darkbrewer

    Howdy all. Newcomer to home brew here, help needed!

    Wow I'm a new brewer too and you've asked alot of the same questions I have. And most of em you just have to sift thru info and find what's best for you. For every method I've seen there is some info that says something else is better. I've been concerned with the air issue as well.
  20. Darkbrewer

    Milk wine

    You do have to tell how it is. I'm unnaturally curious about it.