Seriously considering Milk wine

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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Southern Michigan
Ok I know we've seen pictures that makes this seem touchy. But I was thinking of using fat free soy or almond milk. :wha: Not sure how those would behave in the fermentor. Any thought and or suggestions to help this work?
I've already got a fruit wine going......... Its more about the novelty and I'm thinkin potentially some killer white russians.
yep search for it on this sight. Its kinda scary lookin with dairy. Thats why I was thinking an alternative milk type product.
That gives me an idea .. I wonder if a coconut milk would be possible..?
I am afraid of this idea... but much like a wreck on the motorway, I can't look away. Let me know how you get on with this :)
I'll keep everyone informed on this project. As soon as the wife's wildberry wine moves to a DJ and frees up a fermentor its going in.
So, we have fat(bad), protien (bad) and we have to accept that anything in a state of emulsion at the start of fermentation won't be at the end - so why are you trying this again ?