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  1. H

    My First Brew Up - Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    I have just put mine on but i used brewing sugar instead of the enhancer. When u say leave it for an extra 7 days prior to bottling should this be done in a bottling bucket instead of just being left in the FV? Mine has started at 1042. It Smells alot better than the youngs lager kit i did first
  2. H

    My First Brew Up - Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    First kit i did was a youngs lager and that didnt clear until it had been in the bottles for 2 weeks so i wouldnt worry to much.
  3. H

    My First Brew Up - Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    Ive just ordered this kit so will start it off on tuesday, going to do it will 1kg glucose and not an enhancer. I just hope i dont get a flat batch at the end of it like some ppl have had.
  4. H

    Best "lager" kit beer for starters?

    Im going to order either the coopers european or the cervaza one. Havent made my mind up yet but have got 1kg of glucose in so might use that or get some enhancer
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    average brewer's age

    24 and this must be the best hobby i have taken up. Once u have the equipment its so cheap and i will hopefully have beer all year round,
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    Cheeky vimto

    Need some info, my brew started on tuesday and hydro reading was 1064 now its fallen to 1014 cant believe how quick it has dropped and i think i need to stop it as its at 6.3 abv. Does anyone now how much of the stopping agent i should use in the recipe i used above?
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    Pressurised keg question

    Can anyone point out the exact equipment needed for a corney set up.
  8. H

    Youngs Definitive Lager kit.

    Ive just the youngs lager kit (present from xmas) and mine was in my FV for 2 weeks theni primed my bottles and i have now started to drink it. Should really leave it another couple of weeks but i couldnt resist and it pretty nice at about 5.3abv. Just doing a cheeky vimto at the moment amd will...
  9. H

    Cheeky Vimto

    Only started mine on tuesday morning and i have just smelt it and bloody hell it smells strong like wine strong, the hydro reading at the start was 1064 and now its down to 1056 so is defo fermenting amd has a nice head. I havent got a airlock so i just need to check it had started. Do u think...
  10. H

    Cheeky vimto

    Thats great these will be a massive help. Thanks
  11. H

    TC apple juice offers

    I will defo be stocked up on this, i paid 62p for tesco own for my cheeky vimto brew
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    First TC ON THE GO !!!!!

    Well i would like it to be a bit inbetween the 2 as i dont like it dry. I will be bottling it and probably leaving it for 2 months before drinking. I dont want it to be to strong though maybe about 5% Do you have a recipe for one like this. I have got a big out house to fill with lots of...
  13. H

    First TC ON THE GO !!!!!

    Does a TC taste like pub cider or is it more of a scrumpy type. Will give this ago soon as i want to get a shed load of different types of beer in the shed ready for the summer
  14. H

    Cheeky vimto

    Well i started the brew going yesterdsy as i got my questions answered at my LHBS but didnt use an airlock as i havent got one. I checked to see if it has started this morning snd it looks like its got a head so think its started. Im just going to leave it now for 5 days and then check after that.
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    Cheeky Vimto

    Going to start this today my and do around a 15litre batch. Is everyone using brewing sugar or just plain old granulated? Think the misses will love it
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    Cheeky vimto

    Thanks for the link, I was thinking doing a bit less than 25 litres, Ive got 12 litres of apple juice 1.5 litres of vimto 1 sachet of youngs cider yeast 300 grams of sugar Questions are : How much of the yeast should i use? How much Yeast nutrient should i use? Do these quantities sound...
  17. H

    Cheeky vimto

    Hi there, i have just finished a lager kit and now fancy trying to make a cheeky vimto. Does anyone have a recipe i could use? I have all the basic kit and will be putting it into bottles once fermented. How long does it take from start to be ready to drink? Was temps it should be kept at...
  18. H


    Hi mate live in cheshire, think it would be a bit far to collect. Thanks for the offer though.
  19. H


    Just read up on the cold haze, looks like it cant be avioded so i will just leave them for another week or so then start to drink them. I done some 250ml bottles for testers and i have just had one and it tastes great already. Going to start my next batch on tuesday to try and keep a constant...
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    Thanks for the replies, is there any way of avoiding this cold haze? As i dont fancy drinking warm beer and would prefer it to be clear when drinking. Will the haze affect the taste?