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Active Member
Dec 26, 2011
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Can anyone help,

I bottled my lager over a week ago and have had it sored at 20c and yesterday i moved it outside to continue to condition but i checked it today and it has gone cloudy again.

Will this clear up again as it looked perfect before i moved it.
Time buddy, time :!: The hardest bit is leaving it alone :oops: The longer you can leave it for the better it will be :thumb:

I've started opening some bottles that are over a year old, they're brilliant, clear, nice head and taste superb :cheers:
Heyzy said:
Can anyone help,

I bottled my lager over a week ago and have had it sored at 20c and yesterday i moved it outside to continue to condition but i checked it today and it has gone cloudy again.

Will this clear up again as it looked perfect before i moved it.

This is a cold haze , if you put it in the fridge the same thing will happen , if you bring a bottle back into the warmth ... it will go clear again ;)
Thanks for the replies, is there any way of avoiding this cold haze? As i dont fancy drinking warm beer and would prefer it to be clear when drinking.
Will the haze affect the taste?
Just read up on the cold haze, looks like it cant be avioded so i will just leave them for another week or so then start to drink them. I done some 250ml bottles for testers and i have just had one and it tastes great already. Going to start my next batch on tuesday to try and keep a constant supply as long as i can get hold of more and more bottles.
Heyzy said:
....... Going to start my next batch on tuesday to try and keep a constant supply as long as i can get hold of more and more bottles.

If you live anywhere near me (North Lancs/Cumbria border) I have a box of 50 or so bottles that are going spare you can have :thumb:
Hi mate live in cheshire, think it would be a bit far to collect. Thanks for the offer though.