Cheeky vimto

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Active Member
Dec 26, 2011
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Hi there, i have just finished a lager kit and now fancy trying to make a cheeky vimto.

Does anyone have a recipe i could use? I have all the basic kit and will be putting it into bottles once fermented.

How long does it take from start to be ready to drink?
Was temps it should be kept at.

Many thanks
Thanks for the link,
I was thinking doing a bit less than 25 litres,

Ive got 12 litres of apple juice
1.5 litres of vimto
1 sachet of youngs cider yeast
300 grams of sugar

Questions are :
How much of the yeast should i use?
How much Yeast nutrient should i use?

Do these quantities sound about right?
Is there anything else i should do or use.

It sounds amazing and me and the misses love cheeky vimto they make in the pubs
Well i started the brew going yesterdsy as i got my questions answered at my LHBS but didnt use an airlock as i havent got one. I checked to see if it has started this morning snd it looks like its got a head so think its started.
Im just going to leave it now for 5 days and then check after that.
I would always recommend doing a search in the forum as there are loads of pages for cheeky vimto...but I would always recommend this link in future if you are stuck, Marrsy did some brilliant, idiot proof instruction which have been a success every time I've made them :) This is the link :) viewtopic.php?f=48&t=18866
Need some info, my brew started on tuesday and hydro reading was 1064 now its fallen to 1014 cant believe how quick it has dropped and i think i need to stop it as its at 6.3 abv.

Does anyone now how much of the stopping agent i should use in the recipe i used above?
I left my cheeky vimto to ferment out by itself and ended up with a 9.8% drink!! I ended up stabilising and making it a wine type drink instead of priming it as it was a good bit stronger than I thought!! :) If you plan to prime it to make an alcopop style drink, you need to leave it as you can't do this if you add stabiliser, unless you're going to force carb it :) Moley is the man to ask for further advice!! :)