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    TATTOOS What you got, where and why?

    Just the one at the moment... And here's a picture of me and it at the top of Mount Snowdon... Kinda self explanatory :D
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    My first brew : Milestone Lions Pride

    On Tuesday evening I started my first home brew kit, a Milestone Lions Pride. I've taken some photos of the process along the way... Malt extract with the first lot of hot water Stirring it up Pitched the yeast --- Now it's Saturday, and I've just drawn a sample to check the progress...
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    How do I read my hydrometer?

    Hello guys, I've been away for a month after joining at the beginning of September because I've had nothing to really add or ask, as it wasn't until Tuesday I started on my first brew. I was firstly an idiot, and forgot to measure the specific (is that right?) gravity before I added the yeast...
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    A neutron walks into a bar

    A proton walks into a bar, and says "I'll have a pint of bitter" The barman, being uncharacteristically suspicious, though given a subatomic particle has just entered a pub and ordered a drink, has every right to be so, says "Are you sure?" The proton says "Of course, I'm positive"
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    Sourdough / Herman the German

    I have a Herman in the freezer... and it can bloody stay there. What a weird tasting cake
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    Airlock question...

    ^ That's not worrying at all ;)
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    The Last Beer You Drank...

    Currently supping at Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale. Yum yummity yum yum
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    how old are we?

    25... but I guess you can't call me a home brewer yet, as I've not started (other than helping my dad with his homebrew wines when I was around 10-12)
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    Airlock question...

    It's a Milestone Brewery kit. So the gases will just find an escape anyway, and I shouldn't worry too much. Is that right? (I really am paranoid about doing anything wrong, hence why I've not even started it yet)
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    Airlock question...

    I have a question regarding air locks. The kit I got, didn't come with an airlock, or a hole in the lid to put an airlock. I know I can just open the lid slightly to let the gas out, but I'm not really keen on doing that, and would rather go for the more sanitary airlock method. Would it be a...
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    New forum member & brewing virgin

    If you don't have much space, perhaps this guide could be of use... ok... search for.... "The Tiny Kitchen Beer Kit Brewer's Guide" (I would post a link, but as I'm new, everything with a http looks spammy, including internal links... must post more... become part of the community... nargh!!)...
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    The Last Beer You Drank...

    I've been out with friends for birthday drinks... and here is some pictures of the beers wot I done put in my face... If I wasn't so drunk after post beer vodka and rum, I would probably have some input into what they taste like... but... I started with Black Hole Brewery's "Orbiter", a...
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    Alewife reborn

    Is it like the ukulele forum I frequent around here, very much a sausage fest? Mostly blokes?
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    Do I need to invest in a heat belt?

    Thanks for all the help :grin: Looking forward to becoming part of the community!
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    Do I need to invest in a heat belt?

    Cheers!! :cheers: Oh, another stupid question... what does "FV" stand for? I'm guessing fermentation vessel?...
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    Do I need to invest in a heat belt?

    Here's something I'm not sure about. I'm not sure if I need a heat belt for my kit or not. I won't be brewing in a shed (it's tiny and filled with all my dad's tools and unused gardening stuff), and will be brewing in the kitchen. At the moment, the ambient temperature of the house is around...
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    The Last Beer You Drank...

    Re :Franziskaner Home Bargains occasionally have it for about a quid a bottle. About all it's worth. I wouldn't say it's horrible, but it aint great. Tastes better when poured over a wedge of lemon
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    Whats your favourite food to accompany a pint?

    That was my plan. The health food (boo) and homebrew (yay) shop where I got my kit from sell bourbon barrel chips. I was planning on steaming them (to a: kill any nasties and 2: open the pores up), then steeping them in MORE bourbon (Morrisson's own, because it's almost as good as Woodford...
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    Whats your favourite food to accompany a pint?

    Mmmm, bourbon and cheese. I effin' love bourbon. I want to make a stout, enhanced with bourbon
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    Naming your beer?

    I've been trying to think of a ukulele reference to use to name my "brewery" (read : as yet, not started homebrew kit). Best I've come up with is Jumping Flea Brewery. I could then make snake bites with the beer I make and call it Flea Bites... no?