A neutron walks into a bar

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Feb 14, 2012
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A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer......

"How much will that be" asks the Neutron

"for you" replies the barman "no charge"
My mate hates it when I put his chocolate bars in different wrappers, he gets his snickers in a twix.
A proton walks into a bar, and says "I'll have a pint of bitter"

The barman, being uncharacteristically suspicious, though given a subatomic particle has just entered a pub and ordered a drink, has every right to be so, says "Are you sure?"

The proton says "Of course, I'm positive"
The Barman Says "Get out we don't serve your sort in here!!!!"

A Neutrino walks into a bar . . . .
A Higgs Boson walks into an catholic church.

The priest says "you can't come in here"

The Higgs Boson replies . . . . "But how else are you going to have mass?"

I thank You . . . . . I'll Be here all week
:clap: good one!

An electron walks into a bar looking really upset.

The barman asks "whats up?"

The Electron says "Well I've got problems with work, my marriage and I just crashed my car"

The barmans says "come on, it can't be all bad, don't be so negative"

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