Alewife reborn

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Active Member
Sep 4, 2012
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Well, hello there!

Used to brew, years ago when at home with a small child. Created a particularly feisty brew then – first brewed in a bucket, finished with sherry yeast in a demijohn, bottled and forgotten about for two years. When rediscovered it proved to be magnificent and was dubbed Old Buggerlugs.

Now driven by an overwhelming urge to recreate Old Buggerlugs.
Hi and welcome, old butterlugs sounds interesting if you get time post the recipe here. Also just to let you know we organise a yearly get together, just click on the link in my signature to sign up for the newsletter. :thumb:
Ukulele Kris said:
Is it like the ukulele forum I frequent around here, very much a sausage fest? Mostly blokes?

It would seem so. Perhaps it's time to do something about that imbalance.

Not that I've anything against men, you understand. Fried in bacon fat and served with plenty of black pepper they don't taste too bad for breakfast.
no wife's and partners attend and are welcomed. Curries pies and peas and other things have been known to appear along with the occasional beer.
Sundays they hold the church service and hymn singing which is a pleasant change from him singing on the Saturday night with the ging gang goolie goolie ging gang thingy.... :D

Wendy usually runs a fashion show at some point during the weekend and there's a competition run to see who can have the biggest blaze
Fun fun fun
Like your humour, get a feeling you will be at home here. Yes it is mainly men on here, we wish there were more. Must be our women driving us to drink. ;)
Welcome to the forum enitharmon.

Unfortunately we are a bunch of blokes but hopefully you will find that we are quite a pleasent and we do treat ladies with the up most respect.

Don't worry about being a waterb*y if you post enough you will become shandy pants and if you are really lucky you will become an old ale dribbler :lol: :lol:

I am intrigued by old buggerlugs what was it a wine? what was the recipe?

Anyway welcome to the forum

:thumb: :thumb:
Wendy1971 said:
Yay a lady brewer im thrilled to have you on here welcome to the forum :thumb:

"Lady" might be stretching it a bit! But yes, wherever a lot of men gather together it's always a good idea to keep an eye on what they are getting up to.

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