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  1. T

    priming when bottling

    ah! that sounds easier and i assume i can produce the priming solution the day before, so it can cool down for bottling. Good stuff :hat:
  2. T

    priming when bottling

    further to a thread i posted about bottling sugar: what is meant by 'batch priming'? i was just going to add the right amount of sugar to each bottle before filling... why is the beer primed with more sugar, when it's finished fermenting?
  3. T

    bottling sugar

    ok! granulated sugar it is then! :D
  4. T

    bottling sugar

    ok, so it's a while until i need to bottle but, well, 'be prepared' as boy scouts say... i've seen that sugar 'drops' are available to pop in each bottle when filling with beer. are there any other options instead? can brewing sugar be used instead?
  5. T

    first brew day

    airlock bubbling away nicely... FV steady 20 degrees. ;)
  6. T

    first brew day

    Ok thanks guys. I'll be patient :whistle: Man, I'm thirsty...
  7. T

    first brew day

    ok, so today is the first attempt at brewing. used a Muntons best bitter beer kit and made notes of what we did (especially notes on what else to get for next time!) fingers crossed. the instructions say when the airlock has stopped bubbling, fermentation is done but i've gathered from this...
  8. T

    beer heater

    Oh ok. Are this easy to use? I'm not a total muppet and. And I can follow instructions. Think I'll get one to go with the belt... Thanks gang!
  9. T

    beer heater

    Uh oh. Think my mate may have just ordered one. Apart from the heater I have, and a belt heater; any other options perhaps?
  10. T

    beer heater

    hmm think i might invest in a belt then. They're not too much and it looks simpler! 8-)
  11. T

    beer heater

    i have a beer heater that my dad has given me for my brewing endeavours (methinks he's after a free pint). however, i've been mostly finding brew belt heaters online. I think i'll need a heater for where my FV is going to be (a garage). are these still ok to use? It does seem to work (i...
  12. T


    don't worry, i've already read the "OMG i don't want to srew up my first brew" post in the 'How to...' forum. it certainly tempered my excitement and i'm definitely going to be patient.
  13. T


    beer equipment has arrived. here goes... :shock:
  14. T

    water choice

    going to brew a kit to begin with, but want to brew my own AG recipes eventually. thanks for the advice!
  15. T

    water choice

    see, i think my local water is fine. but my brewing friend says its too hard. is hardness an issue? he suggested bottled but as you say, tap is free
  16. T

    water choice

    hi guys, first post here. i'm still waiting on the delivery of brewing gear but a question that has arised is; what water to use? rain? tap? bottled? radiator? what do you guys use? Sorry if this is a silly newb question, but i'm yet to get started properly.
  17. T


    howdy gang. i'm a newbie here and a newbie to the brewing game. Myself and my friend are currently awaiting delivery of our brewing equipment (proper newb!, haven't fermented a drop!) and i already have some brewing gear from my dad, who has made a fair bit of wine and some beer in the past...