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Active Member
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
howdy gang.

i'm a newbie here and a newbie to the brewing game.
Myself and my friend are currently awaiting delivery of our brewing equipment (proper newb!, haven't fermented a drop!) and i already have some brewing gear from my dad, who has made a fair bit of wine and some beer in the past.
Anyway, the plan is to get the gear and brew a beer kit (an IPA) to get used to the brewing process. Then ultimately we plan to brew to our own recipes, learning and having a larf on the way.

I hope to be a bit of a regular on here, when i can the time. I'm sure i'll have plenty of questions as i brew...

But first things first, hurry up mailman.

whatever time they give on the kit....double it.

I appreciate its your first brew, but take your time and make good beer..... :clap:
don't worry, i've already read the "OMG i don't want to srew up my first brew" post in the 'How to...' forum.
it certainly tempered my excitement and i'm definitely going to be patient.