water choice

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2013
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hi guys, first post here.

i'm still waiting on the delivery of brewing gear but a question that has arised is;

what water to use?


what do you guys use? Sorry if this is a silly newb question, but i'm yet to get started properly.
Asda Badics still water 17p for 2 litres. Shouldnt be a problem with my tap water in Liverpool (although it does vary because it comes from quite a few different sources) but for consistency I used bottled.
see, i think my local water is fine.
but my brewing friend says its too hard.

is hardness an issue?

he suggested bottled but as you say, tap is free
Are you brewing kits or AG? It's only if you are mashing that the water is more critical. Even if you are doing AG then I wouldn't worry too much about water treatment for your first brew. If it is really hard then brew stout or other dark beer.

I would treat the water with a Campden tablet to get rid of the chlorine though.
going to brew a kit to begin with, but want to brew my own AG recipes eventually.

thanks for the advice!
I use tap water and mine is extremely hard but I use a (under-counter) water filter that is intended to filter out the hardness. Seems to work for the kettle, etc. Also gets rid of the chlorine smell.
I use rain water, I think it tastes the best! - and its completely free! :tongue: Lincolnshire tap water is pretty bad and I am too tight and lazy to buy it and cart it back home. Before i use it it's got all kinds of flies and insects in it and some other stuff but after a filter and a boil its delicious.
Have a look on your area's water suppliers website for a water quality report. I use tap water, Yorkshire water say it is slightly hard. So far beer has tasted ok. Always put 1/2 campden tablet in it.
fizz head1982 said:
I use rain water, I think it tastes the best! - and its completely free! :tongue: Lincolnshire tap water is pretty bad and I am too tight and lazy to buy it and cart it back home. Before i use it it's got all kinds of flies and insects in it and some other stuff but after a filter and a boil its delicious.
will rain water have enough calcium , magnesium , sodium , chloride , sulphate , although some of these in too high an amount can cause poor beer but so can too little .
Another good option if you have bad water is to dilute it with bottled water. Seems a good compromise to me.
For my next brew I think I will use bottled water to make up half of the total volume required.