beer heater

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2013
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i have a beer heater that my dad has given me for my brewing endeavours (methinks he's after a free pint).

however, i've been mostly finding brew belt heaters online. I think i'll need a heater for where my FV is going to be (a garage).

are these still ok to use? It does seem to work (i tried it in a jug of water...)
does anyone use these?
As long as you have a means of controlling the temperate (STC1000 or similar) stand your FV in a container of water and use the heater to keep the water at the right temperature.
hmm think i might invest in a belt then. They're not too much and it looks simpler! :cool:
They're also rubbish. They will heat your brew but they offer no control what-so-ever so the temperature of your brew is at the mercy of the gods.
Uh oh. Think my mate may have just ordered one.
Apart from the heater I have, and a belt heater; any other options perhaps?
Oh ok. Are this easy to use?

I'm not a total muppet and. And I can follow instructions.

Think I'll get one to go with the belt...

Thanks gang!