first brew day

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2013
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ok, so today is the first attempt at brewing.
used a Muntons best bitter beer kit and made notes of what we did (especially notes on what else to get for next time!)

fingers crossed.

the instructions say when the airlock has stopped bubbling, fermentation is done but i've gathered from this forum that SG is the real indicator that the fermentation has finished.

when would anyone advise taking the first (second) SG reading?
Personally I would acknowledge that you are far better leaving the beer for longer than it takes for fermentation to stop before bottling. This is because it will be a lot clearer once bottled/(kegged?) and will ultimately be easier to pour.

Therefore my advice would be to wait two weeks and take a reading - by which time it will almost certainly have finished fermenting - if not, there must have been a problem with yeast/temperature. You can check at this point it is not still unusually high (stuck ferment) - if so you can take remedial steps. At a guess it should read about 1012.

Assuming all OK, take another reading two days later and if it's the same then bottle/keg it.

Personally I bottle after 3 weeks and have never had a problem. I don't actually bother taking readings two days apart because I know it will have finished after 3 weeks and I have a temperature controlled fridge.

I know the kit probably says you can bottle in 4-6 days but patience is your friend!
When your hydrometer reads the same for 3 days, fermentation should be finished. It's best to leave beer in fv for a couple of weeks so that the yeast can clean up after its self.