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  1. K

    Carbonation question - emergency

    Hi Twostage and Clibit. Thanks very much for your advice and wisdom. You have prevented me wasting a lot of time and effort. I guess my idea to fill the keg with CO2 using those capsules was pie in the sky. Therefore my options become simpler: i) Corny ii) Buy beer :)
  2. K

    Carbonation question - emergency

    Hi All, I'm doing my first brew in 3 years and trying to remember everything and testing all the equipment. I have a party next weekend so am leaving it late but am going to try to do a quick brew then add CO2 via capsules. Not ideal but that's the plan. To test carbonation via those...
  3. K

    Racking a Belgian trappist-style

    Hi All, I am trying to make a Westvleteren clone out for which I have used dark candy sugar syrup (Malt Miller) and Westmalle yeast cultured from a bottle. It's clearly going right. It's fermented now and it smells and tastes right, and the yeast went absolutely mental as I believe is...
  4. K

    Too much black malt

    lol, as i suspected, it's not positive news. Also, thanks for the 'helpful' comments! I think I will cellar a few bottles and go back to the drawing board on this one. Wish i hadn't used any black malt - not a good flavour at the best of times!
  5. K

    Too much black malt

    I made a beer a while back and it has just come to condition. It's been in the bottle for just 2 weeks so really fresh. There's a problem with it - it has a really long and really, really bitter aftertaste. I was trying to make a smoked imperial stout but it doesn't taste very nice. What do...
  6. K

    OG - has fermentation completed?

    Holy cow I wd be mightily disappointed with 5%! an important lesson learned re og readings. Thanks for the advice I will rack it tonight.
  7. K

    OG - has fermentation completed?

    Hi again. It was roughly: 4.5kg pale malt extract 0.5kg peat-smoked malt ... view=write 0.3kg black malt 0.8kg roasted barley 0.4kg chocolate malt
  8. K

    OG - has fermentation completed?

    2kg crushed malt left at 66C for 1.5 hours. Boiled water from this together with 4.5kg pale malt extract and water for 90mins. Final volume approx. 22 litres. Added 1 sachet Safale So4. Left in bucket at room temp to ferment. Frenetic yeast activity day 2 Yeast activity zero by day 7, at which...
  9. K

    OG - has fermentation completed?

    I made the wort with 2kg of various different crushed malts, and 4.5kg of pale malt extract (equiv of 6kg crushed malts i think, so 8kg total)
  10. K

    OG - has fermentation completed?

    hi chaps i used Safale SO4 out of a sachet. Shed any further light?
  11. K

    OG - has fermentation completed?

    Hi, I'm trying to make a 10% ABV stout and it's been fermenting for 6 days and the yeast has totally died down and doesn't seem to be doing anything, but I'm worried that the yeast has packed in before it's finished its work. The beer doesn't taste very sweet but the OG is 1.02. Does this...
  12. K

    Secondary Fermentation Length

    Thanks guys. I took the cap off and sure enough the washer was distorted. Buying a new one off ebay for 1.70 and will try again!
  13. K

    Secondary Fermentation Length

    Hi All, Fermented beer as per usual. Racked for a few days. Then transferred the approx 22 litres to cask, adding 85g sugar boiled in water. All good. The date of transfer to cask was July 22nd. The date last night was August 24th, i.e. 35 days later. As of last night it was still not fizzy...
  14. K

    Overflowing fermenter

    Hi All, I started making a new brew a couple of days ago. Pitched yeast on Monday, got home frmo work on Tuesday to find the lid half off and foam spewing out of the fermenting vessel. Clearly I'd filled the fermenter too full. Will learn my lesson for next time but question is, am I going to...
  15. K

    Another newbie needs advice before bottling

    it might have feremented then, if it only needs to go below 1.02. 1.024 isn't too far off!
  16. K

    Another Elderflower IPA question - Citric acid

    OK, another question on my elderflower IPA. The elderflower cordial I have already made contains citric acid added by me to guard against infection. Is this going to kill the yeast when i make my brew? The % citric acid in the solution is approx 1.8% (180g in 10 litres) and will go down to more...
  17. K

    Fruit/Elderflower in ale

    No we didn't use boiling water, just very warm water (perhaps 80) and we bunged a load of citric acid in to try to guard against infection. This is another concern i have, weather the citric acid is going to do the yeast in. Perhaps I do need new elderflowers... Hmmm
  18. K

    Another newbie needs advice before bottling

    That's very high. Sounds like your fermentation might have got stuck. -What does the kit say the final gravity should be? If much lower than your reading will add to likelihood of stuck fermentation. -Is there an inch or two of yeast/sludge at the bottom of the bucket? If not, would add to...
  19. K

    Fruit/Elderflower in ale

    Thanks for the reply, yes i reckon it's got to be boil cos of infections from the flowerheads (and insects hiding in them!)
  20. K

    Fruit/Elderflower in ale

    Hi, I made a load of elderflower cordial this week and someone else on here as inspired me to make an elderflower ale. My question is, when do I put in the cordial syrup (I've never made a fruit beer)? Should i put it in pre-boil or post-boil? if latter, what temperature? Thanks for your help!!