Secondary Fermentation Length

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Active Member
Mar 16, 2011
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Hi All,
Fermented beer as per usual.
Racked for a few days.
Then transferred the approx 22 litres to cask, adding 85g sugar boiled in water. All good.
The date of transfer to cask was July 22nd.
The date last night was August 24th, i.e. 35 days later.

As of last night it was still not fizzy!! (although tastes divine)
The cap appears to be tight as poss.
I've never had one take this long to get fizzy. Usually use bottles and 3 weeks is enough.

Has this happened to people before? What was the problem? How long before i know it definitely aint getting fizzy?
I need it to be fizzy in time for Sept 17th as I am making it for a friend's wedding!

btw using Safale So5 yeast - usually acts fast!

Thanks for your help.
Carbonation doesn't take 35 days to be honest, is there any signs of carbonation at all?

I have had this occur with a King Keg that had a leak in the lid. Replaced the lid and O ring and it sorted the problem. If there isn't any leaks in the cask then it's got to be the yeast.
kestlemill said:
The cap appears to be tight as poss.

This was most likely your problem.

If you put the cap on as tight as possible it is likely the washer has distorted and you won't get a seal.

Add some gas to the keg and see if you can hear it leaking.
Thanks guys. I took the cap off and sure enough the washer was distorted. Buying a new one off ebay for 1.70 and will try again!