Murgy Straight went into the bottles yesterday. Smelt lovely and looking forward to it. The spent hops from the dry hop went into the kitchen bin and the kitchen smelt delightful this morning!Slightly undershot the gravity at 1.040 or 1.039. but looks pretty good. All tucked up in the fermenter at exactly 19° now.
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A pale ale using up some of my short dated hops. Pitched fermipan bread yeast (as I was reminded about it) at 25c, chamber is set to 30c so should be over quickly.
Yep, over quickly it is. Pitched on Friday afternoon, finished this morning. Going to drop the temp down to 18-20 and leave it until Friday and then bottle.
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At mash out when the enzymes are spent. Any malt which is classed as a none fermentable. Makes water pH easier and adds more flavour, the sugars in the crystal do get any conversion at all.How late is the late addition? I thought this was only necessary with dark malts?