youngs brewbuddy finished at 1.9%ABV :(

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Active Member
Jul 7, 2011
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My first larger brew seems to have finished with a poor ABV :hmm:

Youngs larger kit, coopers brew enhancer2 1kg
Starting SG was 1.046 and has now been 1.032 for 4 days.

I pitched the yeast 7 days ago so fermentation seems to have only taken 3 days I know my temps were less than perfect starting at 24c but keepng mainly around 22c.

Has it got stuck?

Any tips or advice? :pray:
yeah you've got a stuck fermentation there, give it a gentle stir with a sanitised spoon and hopefully it should come back down. it should finish between 1008-1012 ish going by standard kits. I would recommend getting some yeast nutrient and adding some of that before adding your yeast on your next brew, its goes off like a train and ferments really well aslong as the temp is kept reasonably steady.
Thanks for that, will give it a try. Also the yeast nutrient for my next brew. temp shouln't be a problem next time, plans started for my fridge!

Thanks again.
I did this really roughly when I made some cider, I have no idea what the end ABV was (it was very strong though, more like wine). I don't even know what gravity means lol. But I do know, just dump a tonnne of sugar and give it a big stur, then when the sediment settles shake it up again. Don't let the sediment settle and give it a taste once in a while, if its not strong enough keep adding sugar ;)
lizard said:
just dump a tonnne of sugar and give it a big stur, then when the sediment settles shake it up again. Don't let the sediment settle and give it a taste once in a while, if its not strong enough keep adding sugar ;)

Unless you want anything that tastes nice, of course!
any recomendations on how much yeast and what type?

Stired a few days ago and still nothing, have just given it another stir for luck.

you can get 'dry beer enzyme' for less than a quid which will make your beer ferment right down.

i did it once and got slightly odd results, but it was one of my first kits so it could have been caused by something else.