Yeasty smell??

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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Ok folks, having made several lots of WOW, and the wife drinking about 5 bottles already.. So must be ok..... I've noticed a yeasty smell to the wine, is this normal ? Do I need to filter the wine through a filter? Will this go as the wine matures... Any help greatly appreciated

On another note , I would like to impart a fruity, strawberry flavour into the rose, what's the best way to go about this??? I've killed the yeast off, so would I be ok adding frozen crushed strains now, and leave for a week or two before straining and filtering ? Any ideas, thanks?
I would have added the strawberry's at time of brewing and soaked them in with the brew for a week
How long are you leaving the WOW to mature before drinking.

I've noticed a slight yeasty smell to very young wines, kit made ones as well as WOW, but after 8 to 12 weeks that dissapears. I've also found running WOW through a filter works well too.

I just had a bottle of my first made WOW at the weekend, 5 months old and delicious.
I can't 100% help with the yeasty smell, as it's something I'm trying to work out myself, but I think it just needs time to sit. Some of my wines have had it and I've struggled my way through them, but after a couple of months have improved considerably and all those 'home-brew' tastes have gone.

You could try a dash of strawberry Ribena for your flavouring :thumb:
If the yeasty smell won't go away and it bothers you then maybe try a different type of yeast? You might find that only certain types give you this effect.
Thanks everyone. The wines been sat for about a month, if that, the wife is enjoying it, too much , hoping she'll slw down so it can condition for a while. Will make some more and add some strawbs and rasps after a week, heard its best not to put fruit in straight away, as it can destroy some f the flavour.
As for the yeasty smell,think it just needs to be left to mature for a while.

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