Sorry to come back to a thread that's getting on a bit but it seems appropriate to my query about sediment rising. Here's a shot of a bottle of MJ American Pale Ale packaged on 25th June with FG stable over 48 hours at 1010. As with an MJ Helles lager done earlier in the year I am having to discard at least the last third of a bottle to avoid a yeasty drink which for me means more than aesthetics as ingesting such leaves me feeling in the morning as though a horse has kicked me in the stomach. I do not over carbonate and use a half teaspoon measure of granulated sugar. The beer is clear and has no more than a coating of sediment (the bottle is scratched and scored near the bottom which could give the wrong impression). I am thinking of pimping cheaper kits and buying a good yeast separately but for this batch wonder whether a lower storage temperature would help. It is kept in a dark cupboard in the utility room where today the temp is a good 18°c. Any advice would be most welcome!