would you swop?

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would you swop?

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Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
I have 3 boxes and within 1 of them is something with value, which you are trying to find.

You can pick 1 box,

I then open and show you 1 of the remaining boxes I know doesnt contain the item

You can now either stick with your original choice or swop to the other box.

what do you do and why???

:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
Swap. There is a higher probability of choosing the article of value. I won't give away my "answer" yet though ;)
Stick with my original choice.

I'm bloody minded.

And I've got a beard.
Though a wife may be involved here, from the title :lol: I'm off ;) this sounds like that game that my in-laws watch every day. :)
Ceejay said:
Swap. There is a higher probability of choosing the article of value. I won't give away my "answer" yet though ;)
Yup, it's a pretty well known probability example.
31bb3 said:
Personally i have the attitude S#!t or bust so id stick with my initial choice

Are we back to wife's again :lol:
Took me a minute or two to figure out why it wasn't 50/50 and the swap would be better. Nice question :thumb:
robsan77 said:
Its not 50:50

Ok, I'm thick (& I've got a beard too), if youve opened one of them, there must only be two left & I have a choice of the two the one I have or the one I can swap. Is that not 50/50?
I think it's 1/3 chance of winning if you stick with what you've got, or it is 2/3 chance if you swap. My reasoning (right or wrong):

You choose A from a choice of A, B and C.
That means A has a 1/3 chance of winning.
B and C also have 1/3 chance each.

So A is 1/3, the total of evreything that's not A (ie B+C at this point) is 2/3.
The only thing that will change is that you will remove a zero chance (because you know it's empty) from the 'not A' side. So the remaining B or C (it doesn't matter which) is 2/3 chance.

Am I right? :geek:
Or horribly embarrassed :oops: :cry:
:wha: could you just not punch Noel Edmonds in the face and run off with the two boxes :D
Springer said:
Though a wife may be involved here, from the title :lol: I'm off ;) this sounds like that game that my in-laws watch every day. :)

:rofl: :rofl:
commsbiff said:
I think it's 1/3 chance of winning if you stick with what you've got, or it is 2/3 chance if you swap. My reasoning (right or wrong):

You choose A from a choice of A, B and C.
That means A has a 1/3 chance of winning.
B and C also have 1/3 chance each.

So A is 1/3, the total of evreything that's not A (ie B+C at this point) is 2/3.
The only thing that will change is that you will remove a zero chance (because you know it's empty) from the 'not A' side. So the remaining B or C (it doesn't matter which) is 2/3 chance.

Am I right? :geek:
Or horribly embarrassed :oops: :cry:

100% correct mate :cheers:

I'd also be up for subjecting a certain gameshow host to a blow upside the chops. :lol:

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